Index of Terms From Differential Equations


 A  B  C  D  E  F  H  I  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W 

abel's theorem for a system of differential equations

abel's theorem for higher order differential equations

abel's theorem for second order linear differential equations

amplitude modulation

analytic function

autonomous differential equations

basis for a uc-set


characteristic equations for higher order differential equations

classification of first order differential equations

complex eigenvalues of a system of differential equations

complex roots for euler equations

complex roots to the characteristic equation of a second order differential equation

convergence of series solutions to differential equations

corresponding linear operator

critically damped free motion


damped free motion

difference equations

differences between linear and nonlinear differential equations

discontinuous forcing functions



electrical and mechanical vibrations

electrical circuits

equilibrium solutions for difference equations

euler equations

euler's formula

exact differential equations

exchange of stability for difference equations

existence and uniqueness for first order linear differential equations

existence and uniqueness for first order nonlinear differential equations

existence and uniqueness for second order linear differential equations

existence and uniqueness theorem for systems of differential equations

first order difference equation

first order linear differential equations

forced response

forced vibrations

heaviside functions

higher order differential equations

homogeneous second order differential equations

homogeneous systems of differential equations

homogeneous systems of differential equations (solutions)

hook's law

initial value problems with Laplace transforms

integral equations

integral transforms

integrating factors (for first order linear differential equations)

irregular singular point

kernel of an integral transform

laplace transform (definition)

Laplace transform solution to differential equations with discontinuous forcing

Laplace transform solution to initial value problems

linear algebra review

linear difference equations

linear first order differential equations

linearly dependent functions

linearly independent function (higher order)

linearly independent functions

logistics equations

mechanical and electrical vibrations

modeling with differential equations

newton's law


nonhomogeneous second order differential equations

nonhomogeneous systems of differential equations

ordinary differential equations

ordinary point

overdamped free motion

partial differential equations

phase plane

phase portrait

pond (a differential equation model)

potential function

power series review

quasi frequency

quasi period

rate = rate in - rate out

real distinct roots for euler equations

real roots of the characteristic equation of a second order differential equation

reduction of order

regular singular point

repeated roots for euler equations

repeated roots to the characteristic equation of a second order differential equation


semi-stable equilibrium point

separable differential equations

series solutions to differential equations

singular point

solutions to higher order homogeneous differential equations

spiral node

stable equilibrium point

steady-state solution

step functions

system of differential equations (theory)

threshold level

transient solution


undamped free vibrations

undetermined coefficients

undetermined coefficients for higher order differential equations

uniqueness and existence for first order linear differential equations

uniqueness and existence for first order nonlinear differential equations

uniqueness and existence for second order linear differential equations

uniqueness and existence theorem for systems of differential equations

unit step functions

unstable equilibrium point

unstable equilibrium point for a system of differential equations

variation of parameters

variation of parameters for higher order differential equations

wronskian for higher order differential equations

wronskian of a a system of differential equations

wronskian of a second order differential equation