Geometric Sequences And Series

  1. Geometric Sequences

    Example: Find the General Element

        i)  Recursively          ii)  Explicitly

            A)  3, 6, 12, 24, 48, ...          B)  5, 15, 45, 135, ...

            C)  -3, 30, -300, 3000, ...     D)  2, 2/3, 2/9, 2/27, ...



    1. We see that to get to the next term, we only need to multiply the previous term by 2, hence

              an = 2an-1,   a1 = 3

      To find the nth term, we see that 3 is multiplied by two n - 1 times.  This is the same as multiplying by 2n-1.  Hence,

              an = 3(2n-1)

    2. We see that to get to the next term, we only need to multiply the previous term by 3, hence

              an = 3an-1,   a1 = 5

      To find the nth term, we see that 5 is multiplied by three n - 1 times.  This is the same as multiplying by 3n-1.  Hence,

              an = 5(3n-1)

    3. This sequence follows a similar pattern with a1 = -3 and a common ratio of -10.  Recursively we write

            an = -10an-1,   a1 = -3

      and explicitly

               an = -3[(-10)n-1]

    4. This sequence follows a similar pattern with a1 = 2 and a common ratio of 1/3.  Recursively we write

            an = 1/3 an-1,   a1 = 2

      and explicitly

               an = 2[(1/3)n-1]

    A geometric sequence is a sequence with a common quotient, r, ie., 
              an = ran-1  


    The general element of a geometric sequence is

              an = a1rn-1  



    (by induction)
    For n = 1 it is trivial
    Assume that the theorem is true for n = k - 1 then 

            ak - 1 = a1rk-2

    Our goal is to show that

            ak = a1rk-1


            ak = rak-1 = r(a1rk-2) = a1rk-1

    Hence by induction the theorem is true.



    Suppose that the fifth term of a geometric sequence is 80 and the eleventh term is 5120.  Find the third term


    We have that 

            80 = a1r4  


            5120 =  a1r10  

    Dividing the equation, we get:  

            5120/80 = r6  


            r6 = 64 

    taking sixth roots we get 

            r = 2    
    or     r = -2


            an = a12n - 1      or    an = a1(-2)n - 1

    From this

            80 = a124  

    so that 

            a1 = 5

    We see that  

            an = 5(2n - 1)     or      an = 5((-2)n - 1)


            a3 = 5(22) = 20    (note that 5((-2)2) = 20 also)

  2. The Geometric Series:      

         S i = 1n  a1ri-1  = a1(1 - rn)/(1 - r)  



    By induction

    For n = 1

            a1 = a1(1 - r1)/(1 - r) = a1 

    Now assume the theorem is true for n = k - 1, then

            S i = 1k-1  a1ri-1  = a1(1 - rk-1)/(1 - r)

    Our goal is to show that 

            S i = 1k  a1ri-1  = a1(1 - rk)/(1 - r)

    The left hand side is 

            S i = 1k  a1ri-1  = (S i = 1k-1  a1ri-1) + a1rk-1 

            = a1(1 - rk-1)/(1 - r) + a1rk-1 

            = [a1/(1 - r)](1 - rk-1 + (1 - r)rk-1)

            = [a1/(1 - r)](1 - rk-1 + rk-1 - rk)

            = [a1/(1 - r)](1 - rk) = a1(1 - rk)/(1 - r)

    By induction the theorem is true.




            S i = 120 [3(1/2)i]



    We see that 

            a1 = 3     and     r = 1/2

    Hence the sum is 

            3(1 - (1/2)20)/(1 - 1/2) @ 5.999994

  3. Application:  Annuities

    I pay $300 per month into an annuity till I am 65 years old (a total of 34 years).  The annuity earns 6% interest. How much will I get at age 65?


    We consider the process backwards.  The last month's payment will accrue no interest, the second to last month's payment will accrue 2 months of interest, the third to last month's payment will accrue 3 month's of interest, and so on.  Putting these all into the compound interest formula and adding them we get

            300 + 300(1 + .06/12) + 300(1 + .06/12)2   
                + 300(1 + .06/12)3 + ... + 300(1 + .06/12)407  
    (notice that there are (34)(12) = 408 payments and 0, ..., 407 are 408 numbers)

            = Si=1408[300(1.005)i-1] = 300[(1 - 1.005408)/(1 - 1.005)]

            = $399,096.99  


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