Arithmetic Sequences and Series

  1. Arithmetic Sequence


    Find the general term for the following sequences both recursively and explicitly:

    1. 2,6,10,14,18,22, ...

    2.  -5,-3,-1,1,3,...

    3. 1,4,7,10,13,16,...

    4. -1,10,21,32,43,54,...

    5. 3,0,-3,-6,-9,-12,...


    All of these have one thing in common.  To get to the next term we add a fixed number. 

    1. Add four to obtain the next term. Thus

              an+1 = an + 4,     a1 = 2   

      To find an explicit expression, we use the following reasoning.  To get the first term, we start with 2 and add no 4's.  To get to the second term we start with 2 and add one 4.  To get to the third term, we start with 2 and add two 4's.  To get the the fourth term we start with 2 and add three 4's.  To get to the nth term, we start with 2 and add n - 1 four.  Hence

              an = 2 + 4(n - 1)

    2.  Add two to obtain the next term. Thus

              an+1 = an + 2,     a1 = -5   

      To find an explicit expression, we use the same reasoning as in part "A".  To get the first term, we start with -5 and add no 2's.  To get to the second term we start with -5 and add one 2.  To get to the third term, we start with -5 and add two 2's.  To get the the fourth term we start with -5 and add three 2's.  To get to the nth term, we start with -5 and add n - 1 twos.  Hence

              an = -5 + 2(n - 1)

    3. As in the preceding exercises,

              an+1 = an + 3,     a1 = 1


              an = 1 + 3(n - 1)

    4. We have

              an+1 = an + 11,     a1 = -1


              an = -1 + 11(n - 1)

    5. Finally,

              an+1 = an - 3,     a1 = 3


              an = 3 -  3(n - 1)


    A sequence with general term

              an+1 = an + d

    is called an arithmetic sequence.

    This definition defines an arithmetic sequence recursively.  The next theorem shows how to find an explicit form for an arithmetic sequence.

    An arithmetic sequence with 

              an+1 = an + d  

    has explicit form

                an = a1 + (n - 1)d


    Proof:  (by induction)

    For n = 1, we have 

            a1 = a1 + (1 - 1)d  (true)

    Assume that the theorem is true for n = k - 1, hence

            ak-1 = a1 + (k - 1 - 1)d = a1 + (k - 2)d


            ak = ak-1 + d = a1 + (k - 2)d + d

            = a1 + kd - 2d + d = a1 + kd - d = a1 + (k - 1)d

    Hence by mathematical induction, the theorem is true.


    Suppose that a1 = 4 and d = 2 then the sequence is 

            4,6,8,...,(4 + (n - 1)d),...



    Suppose that the 13th term of an arithmetic sequence is 46 and the fourth term is 100.  Find the expression for the general term.


    We have 

            46 = a1 + d(13 - 1) = a1 + 12d


            100 = a1 + d(4 - 1) = a1 + 3d

    Subtracting the two equations gives

            -54 = 9d


            d = -6

    Putting this back into the first equation gives

            46 = a1 + 12(-6)


            a1 = 118

    We can conclude that 

            an = 118 - 6(n - 1)

  2. The Arithmetic Series

    The following theorem provides us with an easy way to calculate the arithmetic series.


              an =  a1 + (n - 1)d

    is an arithmetic sequence then the sum of the sequence is

             SnS i=1 an =  n/2 (a1 + an)



            Sn = S i=1 an = a1 + a2 + ... + an-1 + an

            = a1 + (a1 + d)  + ... +(a1 + (n - 2)d) + (a1 + (n - 1)d)

            The sum can also be written by working backwards from the last term, that is to get to the previous term, subtract d.

            Sn = S i=1 an = an + an-1 + ... + a2 + a1

            = (a1 + (n - 1)d) + (a1 + (n - 2)d) + ... + (a1 + d)+ a1  

    Since these are the same we can add them together to get 2S.

            Sn = a1                    +    (a1 + d)        + ... + (a1 + (n - 2)d) + (a1 + (n - 1)d)
            Sn = (a1 + (n - 1)d) + (a1 + (n - 2)d) + ... + (a1 + d)           +  a1

            2Sn = [a1 + (a1 + (n - 1)d)] + [a1 + (a1 + (n - 1)d)] + ... 
                    +[a1 + (a1 + (n - 1)d)] + [a1 + (a1 + (n - 1)d)] 

            =  [a1 + an] + [a1 + an] +... + [a1 + an] + [a1 + an

            = n[a1 + an]


            Sn =  n/2 [a1 + an]




            3 + 7 + 11 + 15  + ... + 35


    We have 

            a1 = 3, an = 35, d = 4

    To find n we note that 

            35 = 3 +  (n - 1)4

    so that 

            32 = (n - 1)4

    Dividing gives

            8 = n - 1


            n = 9

    Now we are ready to use the formula

            Sn = 9/2 (3 + 35) = 171



    Suppose that the sum of the first 18 terms of an arithmetic sequence is -45 and 

            d = -9 

    find the first term.



    Suppose that you play black jack at Harrah's on June 1 and lose $1,000.  Tomorrow you bet and lose $15 less.  Each day you lose $15 less that your previous loss.  What will your total losses be for the 30 days of June?


    This is an arithmetic series with

            a1 = 1000 


            d = -15

    We can calculate

            a30 = 1000 - 15(30 - 1) = 565

    Now we use the formula

            S30 = 30/2 (1000 + 565) = 23,475

    You will lose a total of $23,475 during June.


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