Exponential and Log Equations


  1. Equations that Involve Logs

    Step by Step Method

        Step 1:  Contract to a single log.

        Step 2: Get the log by itself.

        Step 3:  Exponentiate both sides with the appropriate base.

        Step 4:  Solve.

        Step 5:  Check your solution for domain errors.



       log5 x + log5 (x + 2) = log5 (x + 6)

    1. log5 x + log5 (x + 2) - log5 (x + 6) = 0

      log5 x (x + 2) - log5 (x + 6) = 0

      log5 x (x + 2)/(x + 6) = 0

    2. Already done.

    3. x(x + 2)/(x + 6) = 50 = 1

    4. x(x + 2) = x + 6

      x2 + 2x - x - 6 = 0

      x2 + x - 6 = 0

      (x - 2)(x + 3) = 0

      x = 2 or x = -3

    5. Note that -3 is not in the domain of the first log hence the only solution is x = 2.

    Exercises:  Solve

    1. log(x + 6) + 1 = 2log(3x - 2)

    2. 1/2 log(x + 3) + log2 = 1

  2. Exponential Equations

    Step 1:  Isolate the exponential

    Step 2:  Take the appropriate log of both sides.

    Step 3:  Solve

    Example: Solve

      4e-7x = 15 

    1. e-7x = 15/4

    2. lne-7x = ln(15/4)

    3. -7x = ln(15/4)

    4. x = ln(15/4)/-7




    1. 1 + 2ex = 9

    2. (10x - 4)/e2x - 4 = 0

    3. (lnx)2  = ln(x2)

    4. 23x + 4(2-3x) = 5   

  3. Application

    All living beings have a certain amount of radioactive carbon C14 in their bodies.  When the being dies the C14 slowly decays with a half life of about 5600 years.  Suppose a skeleton is found in Tahoe that has 42% of the original C14.   When did the person die?


    We can use the exponential decay equation:

            y = Cekt 

    After 5600 years there is 


    C14 left.  Substituting, we get:

            C/2 = Cek(5600)

    Dividing by C,

            1/2 = e5600k

    Take ln of both sides,

            ln(.5) = 5600k

    so that

            k = [ln(.5)]/5600 = -.000124

    The equation becomes

            y = Ce-.000124t 

    To find out when the person died, substitute 

            y = .42C 

    and solve for t:

            .42C = Ce-.000124t

    Divide by C,

            .42 = e-.000124t

    Take ln of both sides,

            ln(.42) = -.000124t

    Divide by -.000124

            t = [ln(.42)]/(-.000124) = 6995

    The person died about 7,000 years ago.


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