BASIC ALGEBRA (Part II) Math 152B-3 Spring 2010 4 units INSTRUCTOR: Cindy Littell PHONE NUMBER: 541-4660, Extension 447 (voicemail only) E-MAIL: MEETING TIMES: Tuesday and Thursday; 1-2:50p MEETING PLACE: Room A206 REQUIRED TEXT: Elementary and Intermediate Algebra, 4th Ed, by Elayn Martin-Gay Class webpage to log in: Course Id for Homework: littell29492 Course Description: This course is a continuation of Math 152A I will present factoring, rational expressions, first degree equations and inequalities with absolute value, solving systems of linear equations and inequalities, radicals, rational exponents and their equations, and solving quadratic equations. This course will connect math with the “real” world. It is my desire to reduce math anxiety and build self-confidence in every student by the end of this class. Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in Math 152A or equivalent or appropriate skills demonstrated through the Math Assessment process. Students with disabilities must identify themselves to me within the first two weeks of class. Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: Students requiring accommodations for a certain disability that may affect class performance are requested to schedule with a staff member at the DRC to discuss this during the first week of the quarter so that appropriate arrangements can be made. They only test and accept new students into the program during the first two weeks of each quarter, so don’t put it off. The Math Success Center (in A201) has free tutoring for all registered students. Please Log In and Out so that the facility gets the funds it needs. As a Courtesy to everyone in class, please turn off your cell phones. Thank you.
How to succeed in a Math class: 1. Come to every class meeting. 2. Arrive early, be prepared, and take notes. 3. Ask questions, especially if you don’t understand a concept. 4. Do more than just the homework problems. 5. Take advantage of the free tutoring service in the GMC and my hours as your tutor. 6. Study in groups and do your homework with a classmate. 7. Start preparing for exams at least one week in advance. 8. Do some math every day.
Dropping: In this class, it is your responsibility to drop the class in order to avoid an unwanted grade. The Drop Schedule is posted on the back cover of the Spring Quarter Schedule.
Student Outcomes Grading: Your class letter grade will be based on the usual grading scale: A: 90% and above, B: 80-89%, C: 70-79%, D: 60-69%, F: 59% and under Homework 200 points Quizzes 100 points 3 Midterm Exams 450 points Comprehensive Final Exam: 250 points Total 1000 points Homework: All Homework assignments are online.
The Due Date is the last day of lecture. However, if you want credit for any
extra credit work done for the
Midterms or Final, all relevant assignments must be completed with at least a
70%. Quizzes: All Quizzes are online and are
considered assignments towards the Midterms and Final. The Due Date is the last
day of lecture, but extra credit work
will not be considered if the appropriated quizzes have not been completed with
a 70% or better. Midterm Exams: Midterms are to be taken on the date scheduled unless you have a medical emergency. In such an event, please notify me as soon as possible to make arrangements. If you are unable to take the exams at the scheduled time, you will need to email me a request stating why you need to take the exam early. Late tests will receive a 10% point reduction per class meeting. Calculators are not allowed during testing. Please practice the homework without them. Academic Integrity: Homework may be done in groups with other students or with the help of the instructor or tutors, but each student must turn in their own work. Quizzes and Exams must be done by the student alone. Any Student who violates this rule will receive a zero on the Quiz or Exam. A second offense will result in withdrawal, failing the course, or academic expulsion.
TENTATIVE SCHEDULE Date Section Topic Apr. 6
Introductions, Syllabus
GCF and Grouping 6.2
Factoring when a = 1 Apr. 8 6.3 Special Products
Factoring Ax2 + Bx + C, a
Apr. 13 6.5 Factoring Binomials 6.6 Factoring Quadratics Apr. 15
Solving Quadratic Equations and Problems 7.1 Rational Functions and Simplifying Apr. 20
Multiply and Divide Rational Expressions 7.3 Addition & Subtraction of Rational Expressions. Apr. 22
...with unlike denominators 7.5 Solving Equations with Rational Expressions Apr. 27
Applications of Ratios & Proportions.
Complex Fractions Review for Midterm #1 Apr. 29 Midterm #1 May 4 8.4 Variation 4.1 Systems by Graphing May 6 4.2 Systems by Substitution 4.3 Systems by Addition May 11
Absolute Value Equations 9.3 Absolute Value Inequalities May 13 10.1
Rational Exponents May 18 10.2 Rational Exponents Review for Midterm #2 May 20 Midterm #2
Jun. 3 10.7 Complex Numbers Jun. 8 11.1 Completing the Square
Review for Midterm #3 Jun. 15 Midterm #3 Jun. 17 Review for Final Jun. 22 FINAL EXAM--Comprehensive |