Euclidian Geometry
Math 153-1
Fall 2012
4 units INSTRUCTOR: Cindy Littell PHONE NUMBER: 541-4660, Extension 447 (voicemail only) E-MAIL: ; MEETING TIMES: Tuesday & Thursday: 1:30-3:20pm MEETING PLACE: Room A213 REQUIRED TEXT:
Elementary Geometry for College Students, 5th Ed.,
Alexander & Koeberlein Course Description: This is a formal course in Geometry covering the basics of lines, planes, angles, triangles and congruence, the Pythagorean Theorem, similarity, and special right triangles. The methods of deductive reasoning will be studied in depth. Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in Mat152A and Mat152B, or equivalent, or satisfactory score in Mathematics Assessment Test. Mat152B may be taken concurrently. Students with disabilities must identify themselves to me within the first two weeks of class. Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: Students requiring accommodations for a certain disability that may affect class performance are requested to schedule with a staff member at the DRC to discuss this during the first week of the quarter so that appropriate arrangements can be made. They only test and accept new students into the program during the first two weeks of each quarter, so don’t put it off. The Math Success Center has free tutoring for all registered students. Please Log In and Out so that the facility gets the funds it needs. Attendance and
Etiquette: As a college student, you have voluntarily signed up for
approximately 16 hours of Math a week this fall. It is therefore important to
remind you that missing four classes (the equivalent of two weeks of the regular
quarter) will result in being dropped for non-attendance.
Our time in class is a time of learning and
is to be respected as such; therefore, disruptive behavior will not be
tolerated. A two-class expulsion will be applied for any disruptive behavior. Academic Integrity: Homework may be done in groups with other students or with the help of the instructor or tutors, but each student must turn in their own work. Quizzes and Exams must be done by the student alone. Any Student who violates this rule will receive a zero on the Quiz or Exam. A second offense will result in withdrawal, failing the course, or academic expulsion.
As a Courtesy to everyone in class, please turn off your cell phones. Thank
you. How to succeed in a
Math class: 1. Come to every class meeting. 2. Arrive early, be prepared, and take notes. 3. Ask questions, especially if you don’t understand
a concept. 4. Do more than just the homework problems. 5. Take advantage of the free tutoring service in the
MSC. 6. Study in groups and do your homework with a classmate. 7. Start preparing for exams at least one week in
advance. 8. Do some math every day. Dropping: In this class, it is your responsibility to drop the class in order to avoid an unwanted grade. For this, you must go to Admissions & Records or use the Passport System. Drop Dates are listed on the
back of the printed schedule
Students will be able to Grading: Your class letter grade will be based on the usual grading scale: A: 90% and above, B: 80-89%, C: 70-79%, D: 60-69%, F: 59% and under Homework 200 points Quizzes 200 points Exams 400 points Comprehensive Final Exam: 300 points Total 1100 points Homework: The homework problems to turn in weekly are due on Tuesdays. Each section’s due date is listed in the tentative schedule. These problems are considered late if they are not turned in first thing. If you will be absent, either turn in the homework early or have someone turn in the homework assignment for you. Homework that is one class meeting late is worth 70%, and one week late receives half credit. Homework turned in after one week receives no credit. Quizzes: The quiz schedule is posted on the tentative schedule. Quizzes are to be taken in class, there are no make-up quizzes. All quizzes are given during the first 30-50 minutes of class. Please be on time. Exams: Exams will take an entire class period and cover the sections from the previous weeks between exams. Your score will be out of 200 possible points. Tests may be taken early without penalty as long as you officially notify me at least one week in advance of the date you need to take the test in writing by email. Tests may not be taken late without a valid excuse, will receive a 10% deduction in score per school-day late, and must be made up by the Thursday of the next week. The Final Exam is given according to the posted finals schedule in the schedule of classes for this quarter. It will include all of the ideas, and sections covered in this course. (Thursday December 6th, 1-2:50pm: 300 points)