Math 152 AA-2 – Beginning Algebra (Part 1)

Lake Tahoe Community College

Fall 2011


Course time and location:


            Lecture: Tues & Thurs, 6:00 p.m. – 8:25 p.m., room A 213

            Final Exam:  Tues, Dec 6, 6:00 p.m. – 7:50 p.m. room A 213




                        Dr. Cathleen Cox

                        Office: D105


                        Office phone: 530-541-4660 ext. 368

                        Office hours:   Mon & Wed: 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

                                                Tues & Thurs: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Or you can make an appointment.  I am usually in my office the hour before class



Prerequisites:             A grade of C or higher in Math 187 B or an equivalent course, or a satisfactory score in the Mathematics Assessment Test.



LTCC Math Webpage:        http://www/



Important things you need to know about this course:


            Calculators are not allowed in this class for exams or quizzes.  It is suggested that you not use calculators while doing homework problems (use them only to check your work after you are finished).


            Tutoring is available in the Math Success Center (MSC) in room A201.  You can earn ½ point toward your total grade for every 10 hours spent in the MSC (or the Disability Resource Center (DRC)).  However, if any student misses three or more classes, MSC credit will not be given.



What you must buy for the course:


            The textbook for this course is Beginning and Intermediate Algebra, by Martin-Gay, Fourth Edition.  The textbook is suggested but not required.


            You are required to have an access code to use the online homework system, MyMathLab.  You have two choices


Choice 1: purchase the textbook from the bookstore.  The textbook comes with the access code; however new textbooks are very expensive and you can find a used textbook for much less money.  If you purchase a used textbook, you will need to purchase the access code separately. 


Choice 2: purchase the access code either from the bookstore or online at  When you buy the access code online, you have the option to access the textbook online as well as the homework.  This is more economical than buying a new book, but is only recommended to students who have online access and feel comfortable reading a computer screen instead of a traditional book. 


This access code will also be good for Math 152B, Math 152BB, Math 154A & Math 154AA at no extra cost (so do not lose the code!).


When you register for the online homework, you will need the access code, and also you will need a course ID. 

The Course Id is cox07542. 


Grading policies: 


Homework will be completed using the online homework website.  Once the due date passes, the homework will no longer be available.  If you need extra time for the homework, ask the instructor for an extension.  You will receive half credit for all homework problems completed after the due date has passed. 


If you must miss a quiz or exam, and have a legitimate college sanctioned excuse, you can arrange to take the quiz at another time.  You must contact the instructor prior to missing the quiz or exam.  You must also have a very good reason for missing the quiz.  Good reasons include, for example: you are sick or your child is sick, your are injured, you are called in to work for something beyond your normal work schedule, you are attending an important event such as a funeral.  Reasons that are not acceptable include: you have a doctor’s appointment (do not make appointments during class time), you are going on vacation with your family (schedule vacations at a time other than class time), it is dumping and you want to go boarding or skiing.  The make-up quiz or exam will be taken in the teaching and learning center, and you must make an appointment to take it.  If you miss a quiz or exam and have not contacted the instructor in advance you will receive a zero.


Homework (28 sections, 6 points each)                      168 points                   21%

Quizzes (6 quizzes, 20 points each)                            120 points                   15%

Exams (3 exams, 100 points each)                              300 points                   38%

Final Exam (Covers entire course)                              200 points                   26%


Your letter grade is based on the percentage of points you earn:


                        A         90% - 100%

                        B         80% - 89%

                        C         70% - 79%

                        D         60% - 9%

                        F          less than 60%


Your ongoing grade will be available on the homework webpage (MyMathLab).





Homework will be done online using the website  This website will contain the homework problems, will show you when the homework is due, and will also assist you if you have problems with the homework.  The program will allow you to try again if you do not get the answer right the first time.  You can also work with your classmates or get assistance in LTCC’s math success center. 


If you do not have an internet connection at home, there are computers available on campus: in the library, in room D 120, in the math success center or the teaching and learning center (TLC) (upstairs in room 201). If you don’t have internet at home, you may wish to print the homework problems out, take them home, work them, bring them back, and enter them into a computer here at school. 


If you have trouble with the online homework, for assistance call 1-800-677-6337, Mon – Fri 3:00 PM – 11:00 PM.

Online assistance is available 24 hours every day at:





How to contact your instructor:      


You can call me in my office, 530-541-4660 ext. 368.  You can visit me during office hours, Mon & Wed: 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Tues & Thurs: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm.  Or you can make an appointment.  I am usually in my office the hour before class.  You can email me –



Academic Honesty:


            Students are expected to perform their own work on all assignments in this course.  I strongly encourage you to study with a partner or in study groups and to use the Math Success Center; it is fine to work together on homework assignments. Quizzes and exams are to be completed by you alone.  Dishonesty on an exam or quiz will result in a zero grade for that assignment.  See the “Student Rights and Responsibilities” section of the LTCC catalogue for further disciplinary action pertaining to academic dishonesty.  Cheating is a very serious offence.  Integrity is much more valuable than the result of a test or quiz.  Do your own personal best and the results will take you further than you might imagine.


Tips for Success in Math:


Successful students…

  1. form a study group and discuss lecture, readings, and homework with fellow students (this is very important!)
  2. visit the instructor during office hours – to ask questions, discuss the material, etc.
  3. keep the syllabus in their notebook and refer to it often to keep informed about the course
  4. have excellent attendance
  5. read the textbook for familiarity before lecture
  6. read the textbook again thoroughly – with pencil and paper, working each example – before attempting homework
  7. work on homework problems every day, rather than trying to do the whole assignment in one sitting (especially the night before it is due).



Financial Assistance:


If you need help paying for tuition, books or other expenses, contact our financial aid officer, America Ramirez.  Phone: 541-4660 extension 236.  Email:  Or drop by room A100.



Students with Disabilities:


            Students with disabilities who may need accommodations for this class are encouraged to notify the instructor and contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) early in the quarter so that reasonable accommodations may be implemented as soon as possible. Students may contact the DRC by visiting the Center (located in room A205) or by phoning (530) 541-4660 ext. 249 (voice) or (530) 542-1870 (TTY for deaf students).

All information will remain confidential.      




Student Learning Outcomes:


The successful student will:
1. Solve linear equations and inequalities

2. Define and employ terminology and arithmetic relating to polynomials in one variable

3. Determine the equation and graph a line given information about the line
4. Manipulate expressions with integral exponents

5. Apply course topics to real-world situations


































Lecture Schedule for Math 152AA -2


This schedule is tentative and may change due to the pace of the course and the needs of the students.







T 9/20








Introductions, Discussion of Syllabus

Introduction to MyMathLab


An introduction to variable expressions & equations






TR 9/22






Adding Real Numbers

Subtracting Real Numbers

Multiplying and Dividing Real Numbers



Homework on sections 1.3 - 1.7 is due Monday, 9/26, at 11:30pm


T 9/27









Quiz #1 (Sections 1.3  – 1.7)   (30min)


Properties of Real Numbers

Simplifying Algebraic Expressions

The Addition and Multiplication Properties of Equality




TR 9/29









Solving Linear Equations

An Introduction to Problem Solving



Homework on sections 1.8 & 2.1 - 2.4 is due Monday, 10/3, at 11:30pm


T 10/4







Quiz #2 (Sections 1.8 & 2.1 – 2.3)   (30min)


Problem Solving (Not doing Formulas)

Solving Linear Inequalities





TR 10/6





Finish 2.8

Review for Exam 1


Homework on sections 2.5 & 2.8 is due Monday, 10/10, at 11:30pm


T 10/11






Exam #1 (Chapter 1,  2.1 – 2.5, & 2.8)(60min)


The Coordinate System




TR 10/13





Graphing Linear Equations



Homework on sections 3.1 - 3.3 is due Monday, 10/17, at 11:30pm


T 10/18







Quiz #3 (Sections 3.1 – 3.3)  (30 min)


Slope and Rate of Change

Equations of Lines




TR 10/20





Finish 3.5

Review for Exam #2


Homework on sections 3.4 - 3.5 is due Monday, 10/24, at 11:30pm


T 10/25






Exam #2 (Sections 3.1 – 3.5)   (60min)






TR 10/27





Finish section 5.1

Polynomials:  Definition, +, -



Homework on sections 5.1 - 5.2 is due Monday, 10/31, at 11:30pm


T 11/1






Multiplying Polynomials

Special Products 




TR 11/3





Negative Exponents & Scientific Notation

Division of Polynomials


Homework on sections 5.3 - 5.4 is due Monday, 11/7, at 11:30pm


T 11/8







Quiz #4  (Sections 5.1 – 5.3)  (30min)

Compound Inequalities




TR 11/10


Review for Exam #3


Homework on sections 5.5 - 5.6  is due Monday, 11/14, at 11:30pm


T 11/15





Exam #3 (Chapter 5)   (60 min)

Absolute Value Equations



TR 11/17






Homework on sections 9.1-9.2 & 3.6 is due Monday, 11/21, at 11:30pm


T 11/22





Quiz #5 (Sections 9.1 – 9.2 & 3.6)  (30min)

Percent and Mixture Problem Solving




TR 11/24





 Thanksgiving – No Class


Homework on section 2.6 is due Monday, 11/28, at 11:30pm


T 11/29




Further Problem Solving



Homework on section 2.7 is due Wednesday, 11/30, at 11:30pm

TR 12/1


Quiz #6 Section 2.6-2.7

Review for Final Exam



T 12/6



Cumulative Final Exam

 (Normal Time)