BASIC ALGEBRA (Part II) Beginalg/2BSyllabusSpring2003
Math 152B Spring, 2004 Tuesday & Thursday 4:00 – 5:50 Room: E106 4 units INSTRUCTOR: Jane Ellis
PHONE NUMBER: 541-4660, Extension 247
REQUIRED TEXT: Elementary and Intermediate Algebra By Mark Dugopolski
RECOMMENDED TEXT: Student Solution Manual Prepared by Mark Dugopolski
COURSE DESCRIPTION: In this class we will build on what you learned in Math 152A (Beginning Algebra Part I). While you learned to multiply polynomials in Math 152A, we will do a reverse process called factoring in this class. This will allow us to solve equations of higher degree than the first degree equations that you solved in Math 152A. We will also build on your knowledge of fractions as we work with algebraic fractions called rational expressions. Additional topics include work with radicals so that we can solve equations with radicals and we will finish with techniques for solving quadratic equations, also known as second degree equations.
STUDENT OUTCOMES: The successful student will: 2) Engage in logical and critical thinking. 3) Read technical information. 4) Demonstrate the solution to
problems by translating written language into mathematical statements,
interpreting information, sketching relevant diagrams, analyzing given
information, formulating appropriate math statements, and checking and verifying
OVER JANE’S COMMITMENT TO THIS CLASS: · I will check the earlier part of my day at the door when I enter the classroom, and I will give this class 100% of my attention while we are meeting. · I will come to class well prepared. · I will be here on time. · I will listen and seek to understand what is being said. · I will not shortchange the students in this class by setting low standards. · I will put 100% of my effort into being the best possible teacher for the students in this class.
PREREQUISITE: A grade of C or better in Math 152A or equivalent, or satisfactory score on Mathematics Assessment Test.
GRADING POLICY: Homework 100 points Exam #1: Sections 2.4, 3.3 & Chapter 6 100 points Exam #2: Chapter 7 & Sections 8.1, 8.2 & 8.7 100 points Exam #3: Chpt. 9 & Sections 10.1, 10.2 & 11.5 100 points Quizzes* (Three at 20 points each) 60 points Final (Covers entire course content) 150 points
*If you spend at least one hour a week (for a total of at least 10 hours) in the Gateway Math Center (room G4), you may add 6 points to your lowest quiz score.
Your letter grade will be based on your percentage of the 610 possible points.
A 90-100% B 80-89% C 70-79% D 60-69% F less than 60%
Make-up Policy: For quizzes there is no make-up, however if the absence is excused, you will receive the same percentage grade on the quiz as you earn on the exam, which covers the same material. For Chapter Exams and the Final, make-up is possible, but there is a 10% penalty if the absence is not excused. Homework will be accepted late with a penalty of 2 points for each school day that it is late.
LEARNING DISABILITIES: If you have a learning disability, be sure to discuss your special needs with Jane. Learning disabilities will be accommodated.
“Let There Be No Activity without Achievement”
Ø You must register for this class at the Office of Admissions and Records. Ø The last day to drop the class with no record is Friday, April 30. Ø The last day to drop the class for a "W" grade is Friday, June 4. Ø After June 4, if you are enrolled you will receive some kind of grade.
In this class, it is your responsibility to drop the class in order to avoid a grade.
OFFICE HOURS: Monday & Wednesday................. 12:30 – 1:30 (A204) Tuesday & Thursday....................... 3:00 – 4:00 (A204) Thursday......................................... 6:00 – 7:00 (Gateway Math Center)
TUTORING: Tutoring is available in the Gateway Math Center in Room G4 in the portable buildings near the LAC and photography lab. Tutoring schedules will be distributed to you in class.
1) Come to every class meeting.
2) Arrive early, get yourself settled and be ready when class starts. Sit where you won't be distracted.
3) Read each section before it is discussed in class.
4) Do all of the homework.
5) Do some math every day.
6) Start preparing for tests at least a week in advance.
7) Take advantage of tutors and office hours, extra help can make a big difference.
8) Do some review every time you study math.
9) Be willing to ask questions.
10) Take notes.
11) Study in groups and find a study buddy.
“Nothing is troublesome that we do willingly” Thomas Jefferson
Date Section Topic
April 6............. Introductions, Discussion of Syllabus 2.4 Formulas 3.3 Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities
April 8........ 6.1 Factoring Out Common Factors 6.2 Factoring the Special Products Factoring by Grouping Turn in Homework #1 (Sections 2.4 & 3.3)
April 13...... 6.3 Factoring
April 15...... 6.5 General Factoring Strategies 6.6 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring Quiz #1 (Sections 2.4, 3.3, 6.1 & 6.2) Turn in Homework #2 (Sections 6.1 – 6.4)
April 20 Review for Exam #1
April 22 Exam #1 (Sections 2.4, 3.3, Chapter 6) Turn in Homework #3 (Sections 6.5 – 6.6)
April 27...... 7.1 Reducing Rational Expressions 7.2 Multiplication & Division of Rational Expressions
April 29...... 7.3 Finding the Least Common Denominator 7.4 Addition & Subtraction of Rational Expressions Turn in Homework #4 (Sections 7.1 – 7.2)
May 4......... 7.5 Complex Fractions 7.6 Solving Equations with Rational Expressions
May 6......... 7.7 Applications of Ratios and Proportions 7.8 Applications of Rational Expressions Quiz #2 (Sections 7.1 – 7.4) Turn in Homework #5 (Sections 7.3 – 7.6)
Schedule (continued)
Date Section Topic
May 11....... 7.8 Finish Section 7.8 8.1 Solving Systems of Equations by Graphing & Substitution
May 13....... 8.2 Solving Systems of Equations with the Addition Method 8.7 Graphing Systems of Linear Inequalities Turn in Homework #6 (Sections 7.7, 7.8, 8.1)
May 18 Review for Exam #2
May 20 Exam #2 (Chapter 7 & Sections 8.1, 8.2 & 8.7) Turn in Homework #7 (Sections 8.2 & 8.7)
May 25....... 9.1 Radicals 9.2 Rational Exponents May 27....... 9.3 Operations with Radicals 9.4 More Operations with Radicals Turn in Homework #8 (Section 9.1 & 9.2)
June 1......... 9.5 Solving Equations with Radicals and Exponents 9.6 Complex Numbers
June 3......... 9.6 Finish Section 9.6 10.1 Solving Quadratics by Factoring and Completing the Square Turn in Homework #9 (Section 9.3, 9.4, 9.5)
June 8......... 10.2 The Quadratic Formula 11.5 Variation Quiz #3 (Sections 9.1 – 9.5)
June 10........... Review for Exam #3
June 15 Exam #3 (Chapter 9 & Sections 10.1, 10.2 & 11.5) Turn in Homework #10 (Section 9.6, 10.1, 10.2, 11.5)
June 17 Review for Final Exam
June 22 Cumulative Final Exam (4:00 – 5:50)
TEXT: "Elementary and Intermediate Algebra” by Mark Dugopolski INSTRUCTOR: JANE ELLIS
Each assignment is worth 8 points. You will turn in only the even numbered problems listed in bold print to be graded. The remaining problems you will be checking yourself in the back of the book. Be sure to use class time, office hours, and the Gateway Math Center to get all of your questions answered.
“It is well to remind ourselves that anxiety signifies conflict, and so long as a conflict is going on, a constructive solution is possible.” Rollo May
2.4............................................................ Pages 91 & 92 #1-4, 7-67 odd ............................................................................. #14, 26 3.3............................................................ Pages 147 – 149 #1-4, 25, 27, 29, 53-77 odd ............................................................................. #28, 58, 60
6.1............................................................ Pages 282 & 283 #1, 6, 17-75 odd ............................................................................. #58, 68 6.2............................................................ Pages 286 & 287 #1-6, 7-79 odd ............................................................................. #40, 46, 70 6.3............................................................ Pages 294 & 295 #1-6, 19-79 odd ............................................................................. #22, 42, 74 6.4............................................................ Pages 300 & 301 #15-39 odd, 65-87 odd ............................................................................. #24, 80 6.5............................................................ Pages 305 & 306 #1, 2, 17-73 every other odd ............................................................................. #24, 30, 48 6.6............................................................ Page 313 #1-51 odd ............................................................................. #22, 34
7.1............................................................ Pages 330 – 332 #1-4, 9, 13-101 every other odd ............................................................................. #38, 52 7.2............................................................ Pages 338 & 339 #1-4, 5-65 every other odd, 71 ............................................................................. #22, 38 7.3............................................................ Pages 345 & 346 #41-59 odd ............................................................................. #46, 56
7.4............................................................ Pages 352 & 353 #5-61 odd ............................................................................. #38, 52 7.5............................................................ Pages 358 & 359 #1-35 odd, 41 ............................................................................. #18, 28 7.6............................................................ Pages 363 & 364 #1-4, 5-47 odd ............................................................................. #18, 32 7.7............................................................ Pages 370 – 373 #4-6, 7-59 odd, 64 ............................................................................. #40, 50 7.8............................................................ Pages 378 & 379 #1-43 odd ............................................................................. #12, 36
8.1............................................................ Pages 401 & 402 #1-6, 7-15 odd, 21-39 odd, 43-51 odd ............................................................................. #10, 26, 32 8.2............................................................ Pages 408 & 409 #1-6, 7-31 odd, 37, 39 ............................................................................. #14, 20, 28 8.7............................................................ Pages 447 – 450 #2, 4-6, 7, 13-41 every other odd, ............................................................................. #12, 32, 42
9.1............................................................ Pages 475 – 477 #1-6, 7-87 every other odd, 103, 105 ............................................................................. #30, 44, 56, 74 9.2............................................................ Pages 484 & 485 #1-4, 7-103 every other odd ............................................................................. #20, 38, 76, 78 9.3............................................................ Pages 491 & 492 # 1, 2, 5-61 every other odd ............................................................................. #71-111 every other odd ............................................................................. #24, 40, 56 9.4............................................................ Pages 496 & 497 #1-67 odd, ............................................................................. #20, 52 9.5............................................................ Pages 506 & 507 # 5-43 odd, 55-67 odd, 75-89 odd ............................................................................. #20, 40 9.6............................................................ Pages 515 & 516 #1, 2, 5-75 odd ............................................................................. #28, 74
10.1.......................................................... Pages 532-534 # 1-4, 5-35 odd, 41-49 odd ............................................................................. #53, 73, 75, 79, 81, 85, 87 ............................................................................. #22, 54 10.2.......................................................... Pages 541 & 542 #1-6, 7-35 odd, 41-57 odd, 69, 71 ............................................................................. #10, 18, 56, 72
11.5.......................................................... Pages 625 & 626 #1-27 odd, 47, 49 ............................................................................. #12, 14, 26, 50