

  1.  Click on the frog to begin.  This will not do anything other than give the applet focus so that you start using the arrow keys.

  2. Your goal is to get the frog to his lily pad.

  3. The frog may only jump to a log if it has an expression that is equivalent to the expression on the lily pad.

  4. If the frog lands on a log with an expression that is not equivalent to the one on the lily pad or if the frog falls in the water, then the snakes get lunch.

  5. Use the four arrow keys (Left, Right, Up, and Down) to help the frog navigate to the lily pad.

  6. There are twenty levels.  Since time is not an issue, it will help to write the expressions on a piece of paper.


You will need the Flash Player to view this.

Information About Properties of Logs

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