Active Listening Techniques
A. ENCOURAGING 1. To convey interest.
2. To keep the person talking.
Don't agree or disagree.
Use noncommittal words with positive tone of voice.
1. "I see …"
2. "Uh-huh …"
3. "That's interesting…"
B. RESTATING 1. To show that you are listening and understand.
2. To let the person know your grasp the facts.
Restate the other's basic ideas, emphasizing he facts. 1. "If I undersatnd, your idea is …"
2. "In other words, this is your decision …"
C. REFLECTING 1. To show that you are listening and understand.
2. To let others know you understand their feelings.
Restate the other's basic feelings. 1. "You feel that …"
2. "You were pretty disturbed by this …"
D. SUMMARIZING 1. To pull important ideas, facts, etc. together.
2. To establish a basis for further discussion.
3. To review progress.
Restate, reflect, and summarize major ideas and feelings. 1. "These seem to be the key ideas you have expressed …"
2. "If I understand you, you feel this way about the situation."