Step Functions In this discussion, we will investigate piecewise defined functions and their Laplace Transforms. We start with the fundamental piecewise defined function, the Heaviside function.
The Heaviside function y = uc(t) and y = 1 - uc(t) are graphed below. Example We can write the function
In terms of Heaviside functions.
Solution We tackle the functions in parts. The function that is 1 from 0 to 2 and 0 otherwise is 1 - u2(x) Multiplying by 3 gives 3(1 - u2(x)) = 3 - 3u2(x) To get the function that is 1 between 2 and 5 and 0 otherwise, we subtract u2(x) - u5(x) Now multiply by ex to get ex(u2(x) - u5(x)) = ex u2(x) - ex u5(x) Adding these together gives f(x) = 3 - 3u2(x) + ex u2(x) - ex u5(x) = 3 + (ex - 3)u2(x) - ex u5(x)
We can find the Laplace transform of uc(t) by integrating
In practice, we want to find the Laplace transform of a more general piecewise defined function such as
This type of function occurs in electronics when a switch is suddenly turned on after one second and a forcing function is applied. We can write f(x) = up(x) sin x We will be interested in the Laplace transform of a product of the Heaviside function with a continuous function. The result that we need is
By taking inverses we get that if F(s) = L{f(t)}, then L-1{e-csF(s)} = uc(t)f(t - c) Proof We use the definition to get
Example Find the Laplace transform of
Solution We use that fact that f(x) = up(x)sin x = -up(x) sin[(x - p)] Now we can use the formula to get that L{f(x)} = -L{up(x) sin[(x - p)]} = -e-cs L{sin x} By the table, we get
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