First Order Linear Differential Equations


In this section we will concentrate on first order linear differential equations.  Recall that this means that only a first derivative appears in the differential equation and that the equation is linear.  The general first order linear differential equation has the form 

        y' + p(x)y  =  g(x)

Before we come up with the general solution we will work out the specific example

        y' + 2/x y  =  ln x

The strategy for solving this is to realize that the left hand side looks a little like the product rule for differentiation.  The product rule is 

        (my)'  =  my' + m'y

This leads us to multiplying both sides of the equation by m which is called an integrating factor.

                m y' + m 2/x y  = m ln x

We now search for a m with 

        m'  =  m 2/x


        dm/m  =  2/x dx

Integrating both sides, produces

        ln m  =  2ln x  =  ln(x2)

        m  =  x2     exponentiating both sides

Going back to the original differential equation and multiplying both sides by x2, we get

       x2y' + 2x y  =  x2 ln x

Using the product rule in reverse gives

        (x2y)'  =  x2 ln x

Now integrate both sides.  Note that the integral of the derivative is the original.  Integrate by parts to get

                                           u  =  ln x           dv  =  x2 dx
du  =  1/x dx       v  =  1/3 x3


        x2y  =  1/3 x3 ln x  -  1/9  x3  + C

        y  =  1/3 x ln x  -  1/9  x  + C/x2    Divide by x2

Notice that when C is nonzero, the solutions are undefined at x  =  0.  Also given an initial value with x positive, there will be no solution for negative x.


Now we will derive the general solution to first order linear differential equations. 


        y' + p(t)y  =  g(t)

We multiply both sides by m to get

        my' + mp(x)y  =  mg(x)

We now search for a m with 

        m'  =  mp(x)


        dm/m  =  p(x) dx

Integrating both sides, produces

        ln m  = 

        m  =      exponentiating both sides

Going back to the original differential equation and multiplying both sides by m, we get

        my' + mp(x)y  =  mg(x)

        (my)'  =  mg(x)

        my  = 

Solving for y gives



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