Higher Dimensional Jacobians and Matrices
We have seen how to find and work with Jacobians that come from transformations from R2 to R2. Now we will look at generalizing this idea to transformations from general Rn to Rn.
Let T be a transformation from Rn to Rn. Then the Jacobian of T is defined by the matrix JT such that the ijth entry (value of the entry in the ith row and jth column) is given by
Where x1, x2, ... , xn are the domain variables and y1, y2, ..., yn are the range variables.
Consider the transformation T from R4 to R4.
x2, x3, x4) = x2
- 3x1x4
x2, x3, x4) = x3
- x2x4
x2, x3, x4) = 5x1
x2, x3, x4) = x1x2
- x3x4
Find the Jacobian of T.
Finding the partial derivatives and placing them in a matrix gives
Combining Jacobians
We can extend the properties of Jacobians for 2x2 transformations to general nxn transformations. We have the following properties.
Properties of Jacobians
Let S and T be differentiable transformations from Rn to Rn and let c be a constant. Then
We will prove the first property and leave the rest of the properties as exercises.
Proof of 1.
We will show that the ijth entry of the left hand side is equal to the ijth entry of the right hand side. If S is defined by
y1(x1, ... xn), y2(x1, ... xn), ... yn(x1, ... xn)
and T is defined by
z1(x1, ... xn), z2(x1, ... xn), ... zn(x1, ... xn)
Then S + T is defined by
y1(x1, ... xn) + z1(x1, ... xn), y2(x1, ... xn) + z2(x1, ... xn), ... yn(x1, ... xn) + zn(x1, ... xn)
The the ijth component of JS+T is
The the ijth component of JS is
and the ijth component of JT is
This gives us that
Since the ijth entries are the same, the matrices are the same and the proof is complete.
1. Let O5 be the transformation from R5 to R5 that takes every point to the origin. Find JO.
2. Let I4 be the transformation from R4 to R4 with I4(x1, x2, x3, x4) = x1, x2, x3, x4. Find JI4
3. Let T be the transformation from R4 to R4 with T(x1, x2, x3, x4) = (x1x2, x4sin(x2), x3x4sin(x1x2), 2x1 + 3x2 - x3 + 5x4). Find JT.
4. Let S and T be transformations from R3 to R3 given by S(x,y,z) = (x-2y, yz, 2xz) and T(x,y,z) = (z2, 2x-3y, xyz) . Use the properties of Jacobians to find
5. A matrix I is called the identity matrix if
Describe all transformations T with JT = I.
6. A matrix A is called a scalar matrix if it is a constant multiple of the identity matrix. Describe all transformations T such that JT is a scalar matrix.
7. A matrix D is called a diagonal matrix if Dij = 0 for i ≠ j. Describe all transformations T such that JT is a diagonal matrix.
8. Prove that the sum of two scalar matrices is a scalar matrix.
9. Prove that the product of two diagonal matrices is a diagonal matrix.
10. Prove Property 2: JS-T = JS - JT
11. Prove Property 3: JcS = cJS
For 12-15, determine if they are true or false. Explain why your answer is correct.
12. If S and T are transformations from Rn to Rn then JSoT = JToS.
13. If S and T are transformations from Rn to Rn and if JSoT = O then either JS = O or JT = O.
14. If S is a transformations from Rn to Rn and if JS = O then the range of S is a single point in Rn.
15. If S and T are transformations from Rn to Rn and if both JS and JT are scalar matrices, then so is JSoT.