Decimal Review


Fill in the blanks:

  1. We use the word      and     only to indicate the separation between the whole number part and the fractional part.    

  2. To change a decimal fraction to a decimal number, make sure the number of digits to the right of the decimal point equals the number of  zeros in the denominator.

  3. To compare two decimals, start on the left and compare corresponding digits.  Move to the right until the two digits are different.

  4. To round a decimal to the nearest hundredth, look to see if the digit in the thousandth place is 5 or larger.  If so round up.  Otherwise round down.

  5. To add or subtract two decimals, line the numbers up so that the decimal points are on the same vertical line.

  6. To multiply two decimals, first multiply the numbers ignoring the decimal point.  Then place the decimal so that the number of digits to the right of the decimal place is equal to the sum of the number of digits to the right of the factors.

  7. To multiply a decimal by a power of 10 count the zeros and shift the decimal point this number to the left.

  8. To divide a decimal by a whole number place the decimal point directly above the decimal point from the dividend.

  9. To divide a decimal by a decimal, first shift the decimal point of both the dividend and the divisor until the divisor is a whole number.

  10. To convert a fraction to a decimal divide until the remainder becomes zero, repeats, or the desired number of decimal digits is achieved.

  11. The order of operations from first to last is 

    1. parentheses

    2. exponents

    3. multiplication and division

    4. addition and subtraction

  12. To estimate a messy arithmetic problem, we first round each number to a number with only one nonzero digit.  Then perform the arithmetic.

  13. In a word problem, some key words that indicate addition are sum, total, together, add, perimeter.

  14. In a word problem, some key words that indicate subtraction are difference, less, how much changeed.

  15. In a word problem, some key words that indicate multiplication are product, area, total (from many of the same).

  16. In a word problem, some key words that indicate division are quotient, per, average, rate.

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