The inverse of the exponential function-- Logarithms Below is the graph of y = 2x and its inverse which we defined as y = log2 x
We see that the logarithm function y = logbx has the following properties:
Evaluating Logarithms Example Evaluate log3 81
Solution: We run the "hook" as shown below
and write 3y = 81 so that y = 4
Exercises Evaluate the following
Example Solve log9 x = 2
Solution We write x = 92 = 81
Exercises Solve
Inverse Properties of Logs Since logs and exponents cancel each other we have: blogb x = x and logb bx = x
Example 2log2 3 = 3 and log4 45 = 5
Three Properties of Logs Property 1: logb (uv) = logb u + logb v (The Product to Sum Rule) Property 2: logb (u/v) = logb u - logb v (The Quotient to Difference Rule) Property 3: logb ur = rlogb u (The Power Rule)
Proof of the power rule We have the rule for exponents:
Canceling the b we get logb ur = rlogb u
Example Expand: log2 (xy2/z) by property 2 we have: log2 (xy2) - log2 z by property 1 we have log2 x + log2 y2 - log2 z By property 3 we have log2 x + 2 log2 y - log2 z
Exercise Try to expand:
Example Write as a single logarithm: 4 log2 x - 1/2 log2 y + log2 z Solution: We first use property 3 to write: log2 x4 - log2 y1/2 + log2 z Now we use property 2: log2 x4/y1/2 + log2 z Finally, we use property 3:
x4z Exercise Write the following as a single logarithm: 1/3 log3 x + 2 log3 y - 3 log3 z
Example Suppose that log2 3 = 1.58 and that log2 5 = 2.32 Find log2 90
Solution Since 90 = (2)(5)(32) We have log2 90 = log2 (2)(5)(32) = log2 2 + log2 5 + log2 32 = 1 + 2.32 + 2log2 3 = 1 + 2.32 + 2(1.58) = 6.48
Exercise Find
log2 40/27
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