


Please work out each of the given problems.  Credit will be based on the steps that you show towards the final answer.  Do all your work and give all your answers on you own sheet of paper.  Show your work.


Problem 1 

Solve the following:

A.     (10 Points)   log6(x - 5) + log6(x)  =  2      


Use the sum to product rule of logarithms

        log6[(x)(x - 5)]  =  2    

        (x)(x - 5)  =  62    Remember logs are exponents

        x2 - 5x  =  36        Multiplying out

        x2 - 5x - 36  =  0      Subtracting 36 from both sides

        (x - 9)(x + 4)  =  0

        x  =  9    or     x  =  4

Notice that 4 is not a solution since it is not in the domain of log6(x - 5).  9 is a solution, as you can verify with your calculator.

B.  (10 Points)  22x-1  =  53x-2  


Take ln of both sides

        ln 22x-1  =  ln 53x-2  

        (2x + 1) ln 2  =  (3x - 2) ln 5    Using the power to product rule of logs

        2x ln 2  +  ln2    =    3x ln 5  -  2 ln 5    Multiplying out

        2x ln 2  -  3x ln 5    =    -ln 2  -  2 ln 5    Separating x terms to the left and others to the right

        x(2 ln 2  -  3 ln 5)    =    -ln 2  -  2 ln 5    Factoring out the x

                  -ln 2  -  2 ln 5
        x  =                                  =  1.1365   
Dividing by 2 ln 2  -  3 ln 5  
2 ln 2  -  3 ln 5

C.  (10 Points)   Use a calculator to evaluate  log7 51


First use the change of base formula

                            log 51  
log7 51  =                      
                            log 7

Now put this in your calculator to get



Problem 2 

The clarity C (in feet) of Lake Tahoe t  years since 1990 can be modeled by the equation

        C(t)  =  45e-t/25

A.     (9 Points)   How clear was the lake in 1995.


The year 1995 corresponds to t  =  5.  Plug this in for t to get

        C(5)  =  45e-5/25  =  36.84

The clarity of the lake was 36.84 feet in 1995


B.     (10 Points)   When will the clarity of the lake only be 5 feet?


Now plug in 5 for C to get

        5  =  45e-t/25

        1/9  =  e-t/25        Dividing both sides by 45

        ln(1/9)  =  ln(e-t/25)      Taking the ln of both sides

        ln(1/9)  =  -t/25        Cancelling the ln and the e

        -25 ln(1/9)  =  t        Multiplying both sides by -25

        t  =  54.93

Now turn this back into a date by adding it to 1990

        1990 + 54.93  =  2044.93

We can say that towards the end of the year 2044 the clarity of the lake will be only 5 feet.


Problem 3   

One muffin, two pies, and three cakes cost $23.  One Muffin, three pies , and two cakes cost $21.  One muffin, four pies, and five cakes cost $39.  Find the cost of each.



        x  =  the cost per muffin

        y  =  the cost per pie

        z  =  the cost per cake

We get three equations:

        x + 2y + 3z  =  23

        x + 3y + 2z  =  21

        x + 4y + 5z  =  39

Subtracting the second equation from the first gives

        -y + z  =  2

Subtracting the second equation from the third gives

        y + 3z  =  18

Now add the two equations above to get

        4z  =  20

        z  =  5    dividing by 4

Plugging z  =  5 back into the equation above to get

        y + 3(5)  =  18

        y  =  3        subtracting by 15

Now plug in y  =  3 and z  =  5 into the first original equation to get

        x + 2(3) + 3(5)  =  23

        x + 21  =  23            6 + 15  =  23

        x  =  2                       Subtracting 2 from both sides

Now plug in (2,3,5) into the second and third equations to check.

        2 + 3(3) + 2(5)  =  21

        2 + 4(3) + 5(5)  =  39

We can conclude that the muffins cost $2, the pies cost $3, and the cake costs $5.


Problem 4   (10 Points)  

Solve the following system of nonlinear equations:

        x2 + y2  =  25

        3x + 5y  =  15


We first solve the second equation for x by dividing by subtracting 5y and dividing by 3

        3x  =  15 - 5y

        x  =  5 - 5/3 y

Now substitute into the first equation to get

        (5 - 5/3 y)2 + y2  =  25

        25  -  50/3 y + 25/9 y2 + y2  =  25        FOIL

        -50/3 y + 25/9 y2 + y2  =  0        Subtracting 25 from both sides

        -150y + 25y2 + 9y2  =  0        Multiplying both sided by 9

         34y2 - 150y  =  0        Combining like terms

          2y(17y - 75)  =  0    Factoring out the GCF

           y  =  0        or      y  =  75/17  =  4.41

Now plug these solutions back into the equation

           x  =  5 - 5/3 y

to get

           x  =  5 - 5/3 (0)        or        x  =  5 - 5/3 (75/17)

           x  =  5        or        x  =  5 - 125/17  =  -40/17  =  2.35

Our two solutions are (5,0) and (2.35,4.41)


Problem 5  (20 Points)   

Sketch the graph of the following function:

        y  =  2x - 3


The graph of

        y  =  2x

passes through the points (0,1) and (1,2).  The graph we want is this graph shifted down by 3 units, so passes through the points (0,-2) and (1,0).  The graph is sketched below.


Problem 6  Expand each logarithm.  Simplify where possible.  Assume all variables are such that all expressions are defined.

A.     (10 Points)                 x5y2


Use the quotient to difference property of logarithms first:

        log3(x5y2) - log3(81)

        =   log3(x5) + log3(y2) - log3(34)        We used the product to sum property.

        =   5 log3(x) + 2 log3(y) - 4        We used the product to sum property and cancelled the log3 and 3


B.     (10 Points)         


Use the product to sum property of logarithms first and change the root into an exponent. 

Warning:  Do not cancel the root with the squares, since the "+" is in the way.

        log5(x) + log5[(y2 + 25)1/2]

        =  log5(x) + 1/2 log5(y2 + 25)


Problem 7 Answer the following True or False.  If True, explain your reasoning, if False, explain your reasoning or show a counter-example.

A.     (7 Points)   The domain of the function  y  =  logb x  is (0,  for all b > 0.


True,  the domain of the log is the range of the exponential which takes on all positive numbers


B.     (7 Points)   If a linear system of three equations with three unknowns has (1,2,3) as a solution then (4,5,6) cannot also be a solution


False,  it is possible for three planes to intersect in a line, which could contain both points.

C.     (7 Points)  If the vertex of a parabola has y-coordinate 3 and the directrix is y = 2, then the parabola has no x-intercepts.


True,  all of the parabola lies on the same side of the directrix as the vertex, hence the smallest y could get is 2.  An x-intercept has y coordinate 0.

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