Practice Exam 1

Please work out each of the given problems.  Credit will be based on the steps that you show towards the final answer.  Show your work.


Problem 1  Simplify the following expressions.

A.  |-7|2 - |33|


|-7|2 - |33|  =  72 - 33  =  49 - 27 = 22


B. 37 - 18 - (-11)


        37 - 18 -(-11)  =  19 - (-11)  =  19 + 11  =  30

C.  (7 + 11) ÷ 6 - 2


        (7 + 11) ÷ 6 - 2  =  18÷ 6 - 2   =  3 - 2  =  1

D.  -42  + (-4)2


Notice that for the first term the order of operations tell us that the "-" is performed after the square and for the second term the parentheses force the negative to be performed before the square.  We have

    -(4)(4) + (-4)(-4)  =  -16 + 16  =  0


E.  2(2x - 3) + 3(4 - x)


        2(2x - 3) + 3(4 - x)  =  4x - 6 + 12 - 3x

        =  4x - 3x - 6 + 12  =  x + 6


F.  2x(x - 3) + 5(3x + 1)


Use the distributive property

        (2x)(x) + (2x)(-3) + 5(3x) + (5)(1)

        =  2x2 - 6x + 15x + 5

        =  2x2 + 9x + 5


         6x + 3


Notice that the 3's do not cancel, since there are two terms in the numerator.  Instead, we split the numerator:

      6x              3
               +              =  2x + 1
       3              3

H.  0.3(x + 4) - 0.1(x + 2)


Use the distributive law:

        0.3x + (0.3)(4) - 0.1x - (0.1)(2)  =  0.3x + 1.2 - 0.1x - 0.2

        =  0.2x + 1


Problem 2  Evaluate the following expression when x = 2, y = -1, and z = 3

     x3y - 4y2 +2xz -3z + 2


We have

        (2)3(-1) - 4(-1)2 + 2(2)(3) - 3(3) + 2

        =  (8)(-1) - (4)(1) + 12 - 9 + 2

        =  -8 - 4 + 12 - 9 + 2

        =  -12 +12 - 9 + 2

        =  0 - 9 + 2

        =  -9 + 2

        =  -7


Problem 3  Give the name of the property that the following identity uses.

A.  (2x + 3) + y  =  2x + (3 + y)


This is the associative property of addition, since we are just regrouping.


B.  z + (3 - x)  =  (3 - x) + z


This is the commutative property of addition since we are changing the order of the terms.


Problem 4

Solve the following equations.  Then identify each as a conditional equation, an inconsistent equation, or an identity.

A.  3x - 5  =  4x


We subtract 3x from both sides

        3x - 5  =  4x
        -3x          -3x
            -5  =  x

        x = -5  This is a Conditional Equation

B.  5(x - 3) - (x + 5)  =  4x - 1


First distribute

        5x - 15 - x - 5  =  4x - 1

Combine like terms

        4x - 20  =   4x - 1
        -4x + 20    -4x + 20
                0  =  19

This is an inconsistent equation (No Solution)



                x             2x
C.  3  +          =            
                3              5


Multiply all three terms by the common denominator 15

                    (15)  x             (15)2x
  3  +               =                    
                      3                       5

        45 + 5x  =  6x
                -5x    -5x
             45   =  x

        x  =  45

This is a conditional equation.


              x            x              x
D.  1 -           +            =               + 1
              4            2              4


Multiply all five terms by the common denominator 8

                (8)x           (8)x           (8) x
  (8)1 -              +               =                 + (8)1
                 4                2                4

        8 - 2x + 4x  =  2x + 8

        8 + 2x  =  2x + 8

This is an identity.


Problem 5

Translate each verbal expression into an algebraic expression with one variable:

A.  3 less than twice a number


Twice a number can be represented by 2x.  Three less than this is

        2x - 3

B.  The area of a rectangle given that the width is 5 meters more than the length.


If L is the length of the rectangle, then the width is 5 + L.  The area is the product of the length and the width. 

    Area  =  L(5 + L)

C.  The product of two consecutive even numbers is 168.


If the first number is x then the next even number is x + 2.  their product is x(x + 2).  We can now write

        x(x + 2)  =  168

Problem 6

Determine whether the given number is a solution to the equation following it

A.   -6, -x + 5 = 11


We plug in (-6) where we see an x:

        -(-6) + 5 =? 11

        6 + 5  =? 11

    Yes x = -6 is a solution to the equation.

             x - 4
B.  2,                =  3
             x + 1


We plug in (2) where we see an x:

        (2) - 4
                       =?  3
        (2) + 1

                  =?  3

Since the left hand side does not equal the right hand side, we can conclude that x = 2 is not a solution to the equation.

Problem 7

A window that is in the shape of a triangle has it largest side four times as long as its shortest side.  The middle length side is three times as long as the shortest side.  If the perimeter of the triangle is 40 inches, what are the dimensions of the triangle?


First sketch the picture letting x be the length of the shortest side.

triangle with sides labeled x, 3x, and 4x

Notice that since the shortest side is of length x, the longest side has length 4 times that or 4x.  Similarly, the middle length side has length 3x.

The perimeter is the sum of the side of the triangle and its length is 40 inches.  Hence

x + 3x + 4x  =  40

Now combine like terms:

8x = 40

Divide both sides by 8 to get

x = 5

Finally, answer the question.  The triangle's shortest side is 5 inches long, the longest side is 20 inches long, and the middle length side is 15 inches long.

Problem 8

Los Angeles is 400 miles from Sacramento.  If Sue leaves Sacramento at 10:00 AM and averages 75 miles an hour, when will she arrive in Los Angeles?


We use the distance = rate times time formula.  We have

d = 400 and r = 75


400 = (75)(t)

Now divide both sides by 75 to get

t = 400/75  =  5 1/3

Notice that 1/3 of an hour is 20 minutes.  Since Sue started out at 10:00 AM, you can add five hours and 20 minutes to that time and get that Sue will arrive in Los Angeles at 3:20 PM.


Problem 9

Solve the inequality.  Graph the solution set and write the solution in interval notation.

5 - 3x > 1 - x


Add x and subtract 5 from both sides to get

-2x > -4

Next divide both sides by -2.  Remember that when we divide by a negative number, the inequality is switched.

x < 2

The graph is shown below.  Notice that since the inequality is "<" and not "<" we use an open circle instead of a closed circle.

number line.  Open circel at 2 and pointing to the left

Next writing in interval notation, remembering to use "(" and ")" to indicate that we are not including the endpoints.

(negative infinity,2)

Problem 10

Solve the inequality.  Graph the solution set and write it in interval notation.

-9 < 3(x - 1) < 0


First divide all three terms by 3 to get

-3 < x - 1 < 0

Now add 1 to all three sides to get

-2 < x < 1

We can graph this on the number line as shown below.

Number line with open circle at -1, closed circle at 2 and segment connecting these circles    


Now write this in interval notation remembering to use "(" for not including the endpoint and "]" for including the endpoint


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