SLOs and MASLOs for Web Site





ART 253  Plein-air Oil Painting


Student Learning Outcomes:

Create plein-air paintings that demonstrate:

1. composition, tonal relationships, color theory, and optical laws of two-dimensional art.

2. use of materials and techniques used in the making of oil paintings.

3. analysis of proportional relationships through comparison of individual elements and their relationship to the subject as a whole.

4. developed drawing skills.

5. analysis and evaluation of the social, historical, and cultural significance of plein-air painting.


Methods of Assessing Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Individual and class critiques

2. Evaluation of class projects according to project criteria

3. Evaluation of individual progress in relationship to entry skill level and experience


BIO 203  Human Anatomy and Physiology I


Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Diagragm the different levels of structural organization of the human body.

2. Compare and contrast the negative and positive feedback loops in the body with reference to homeostasis.

3. Differentiate lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, and nucleic acids.

4. Distinguish the surface features and location of all bones in the body.

5. Compare and contrast the different structures of the central nervous system.

6. Diagnose the different disease conditions with reference to nerve transmission.

7. Evaluate a disease that has relevance in some aspect to everyday life.


Methods of Assessing Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Quizzes based on lecture and reading material

2. Midterm examination

3. Final examination

4. Laboratory tests

5. Written research paper and oral presentation of this paper

6. Laboratory practical


BSN 117  Personal Finance


Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify key characteristics and benefits to personal financial planning and budgeting, and apply appropriate techniques to optimize the development of an effective Personal Financial Plan.

2. Develop and appropriately apply the skill to use a financial calculator to complete present and future value projections for single payments, ordinary annuities, and annuities due, along with internal rates of return on investments.

3. Identify key characteristics and benefits to appropriate liquidity, long-term liability, investment, and risk management techniques.

4. Compare and contrast the various financial, banking, insurance, and investment institutions, analyze the differences in their products, and effectively utilize these products to assist in the attainment of specific financial and non-financial goals relative to personal financial planning.


Methods of Assessing Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Homework: Produce practical and accurate solutions to problem-solving exercises which include both mathematical and verbal responses.

2. Class Discussions: Using the Socratic approach to critical thinking, provide comprehensive and cohesive oral responses with explanations to posed questions.

3. Examinations: Through a variety of question formats including true/false, multiple choice, short-essay, problem-solving, and case analyses, produce practical and accurate responses.

4. Case Analyses: Produce quantitative and qualitative analyses and interpretations, and develop practical and effective recommendations of alternate courses of action.

5. Term Project: Through the incorporation of all facets of the course material, produce a Personal Financial Plan that is cohesive and realistic from both a financial and non-financial perspective.


BSN 122  Organizational Behavior


Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Apply basic principles of organizational behavior to further organizational effectiveness.

2. Solve basic organizational problems within a team setting using effective personnel and managerial practices.

3. Apply complex concepts and issues to decision making.


Methods of Assessing Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Produce written formalized documents showing how organizational behavior concepts and principles are applied to decision-making in a work environment.

2. Produce written evaluations and summaries of organizational principles, concepts, and theories.

3. Present an oral/written project that provides factual information, data, and a point-of-view and/or recommendation.

4. Participation in and contribution to collaborative team discussions and activities.

5. Produce a plan of action that is followed to set goals and objectives and produce a successful result.



CUL 104  Principles and Practices of Baking and Pastry Arts


Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Select, research, and explain baking terms.

2. Select, organize, and analyze ingredients used in baking and pastry production.

3. Select, recognize, and utilize equipment and tools used in baking and pastry production.

4. Scale and measure ingredients properly.

5. Differentiate the purpose of ingredients used in the baking and pastry process.

6. Produce an array of bakery and pastry products.

7. Judge, interpret, and evaluate quality standards in bakery and pastry products.


Methods of Assessing Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Objectives-based, comprehensive quizzes and examinations will be utilized to determine understanding of assigned readings, in class discussions, and laboratory assignments.

2. Written assignments will be utilized to allow students to explore and expand their understanding of baking and pastry.

3. In-class discussions will be utilized to help benefit the students' understanding and comprehension of the subjects broached in the textbook and attempted in the laboratory.

4. Completion of laboratory assignments.

5. Progress in the performance of baking and pastry skills will be judged through the completion of a final, practical examination.


DAN 104A  Beginning Modern Dance


Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Execute basic movement vocabulary utilizing the fundamentals of space, time, and energy.

2. Perform choreographed warm-up skills and dance phrases and combinations appropriate to current skill level.

3. Identify characteristics of modern dance styles and choreographers.

4. Demonstrate modern dance combinations and across-the-floor skills with musicality, rhythmic accuracy, and dynamics.

5. Demonstrate development in fundamental components of modern dance technique, including placement and alignment, as well as whole body vs. isolation movement.

6. Identify skeletal and muscular systems and methods used to increase strength, flexibility, and endurance.

7. Interpret the historical and cultural significance of modern dance pioneers and their contributions to contemporary and post modern dance.


Methods of Assessing Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Participation in critiques and discussions.

2. Quizzes and tests that focus on terminology and correct modern dance techniques from lectures.

3. Demonstrate proficiency with execution of movement skills, phrases, and rhythms learned in class.

4. Student-created choreography and improvisation.

5. Written paper on an historical modern dance pioneer.

6. Final performance.


ENG 102  Introduction to Literature


Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Write an evidence-based literary analysis demonstrating interpretive skills, logical reasoning, and argumentative strategies.

2. Define and explain the major elements of the three literary genres.

3. Analyze and evaluate assigned and researched texts.

4. Apply critical thinking and logical reasoning skills to the text of life.


Methods of Assessing Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Compose and revise genre specific essays

2. Produce response/reflection papers

3. Participate in small group discussions of current social and political issues, connect these issues to satirists and essayists of the past, and present conclusions to the class

4. Tests on each genre

5. Content quizzes on specific readings

6. Present a current "artist" to the class, and defend his/her "art"

7. Student evaluations of the learning process


GEL 101  Geology of California


Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Demonstrate the ability to differentiate all three basic rock types, explain the rock cycle, and be able to identify and describe the major rock types found in the state.

2. Compare and contrast the three basic types of plate boundaries and cite examples of where each is found in California.

3. Analyze the geologic structures and tectonic regimes that are active in the state.

4. Analyze the various erosional and depositional features found in the various geologic regions of California.

5. Evaluate the various geologic hazards and environmental issues which affect development in the state.


Methods of Assessing Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Exams and quizzes

2. Homework assignments

3. Class participation

4. Exit survey




MAT 201  Elementary Statistics


Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Design and implement an unbiased study that will produce sound statistical results.

2. Generate and interpret statistics graphs from data that arise from surveys and experiments.

3. Implement the rules of probability.

4. Apply confidence intervals and test hypotheses to make conclusions about data that come from practical applications.

5. Perform regression analysis to make informed predictions about relationships between quantitative variables.


Methods of Assessing Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Quizzes that involve the interpretation of data or results.

2. Exams that include descriptive and inferential statistics questions.

3. Homework that involves analysis of scenarios that involve data.

4. Projects that require the use of statistics to justify conclusions about the research.

5. In-class discussion about statistical concepts.

6. Self evaluation of learning that occurred in the class.

7. A journal that includes reflections on what was learned.


MUS 210  Live Opera


Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Differentiate between different types and qualities of voices and evaluate them.

2. Identify operatic style characteristics of a composer, type, or period.

3. Evaluate the quality and effectiveness of videotaped and live performances.

4. Critique various performers' singing and acting abilities.


Methods of Assessing Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Student evaluation of voice types and qualities will be assessed by the instructor using written essays.

2. Student identification of operatic style characteristics will be assessed by the instructor through listening exams and fill-in-the-blank exercises.

3. Student evaluation of videotaped and live performances will be assessed by the instructor using written essays.

4. Student critiques of performers will be assessed by the instructor using written essays.


PED 220  Balance and Stability Exercise (B.A.S.E.)


Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify internal/external core muscles and apply ways of utilizing them to improve postural and kinesthetic awareness and proprioception during sports performance and daily function.

2. Demonstrate improvement of flexibility, coordination and reaction time as they apply to balance principles.

3. Apply principles learned in class to compensate for changes in the center of gravity during static and dynamic movement. Demonstrate ability to compensate for changes in the center of gravity of the body during static and dynamic movement.


Methods of Assessing Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Participation in balance and stability activities

2. Written and performance tests


SPA 210  Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition I


Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Compose several three-part compositions that demonstrate simple and complex sentences correctly with grammar presented in course topics.

2. Converse and comprehend at the high-intermediate level in formal and casual cultural discussions that display grammatical material and content from class readings.

3. Identify and apply the indicative, subjunctive, and imperative moods in correct tense in spoken and written Spanish.

4. Differentiate, internalize, and describe Spanish-speaking countries’ history, literature, culture, and peoples through class dialogue and compositions.


Methods of Assessing Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Tests and quizzes

2. Written sentences in Spanish

3. Oral presentations

4. Compositions

5. Class participation

6. Cultural discussions

7. Instructor observation

8. Assessment tools appropriate for course level


THE 105  Introduction to Acting


Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Develop and utilize individual techniques and skills in preparation for performing a character.

2. Create and perform a character in a scene using script analysis, character analysis, research, and the rehearsal process. 

3. Critique the creative work of peers.


Methods of Assessing Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Performance of a final scene on a criteria that includes character development, relationships, language, voice, movement, and analysis of the text.

2. Written evaluation of a character covering script analysis, character analysis, and research.

3. Individual classroom exercises.

4. Written critiques of performances of other students as well as a public performance.


WLD 172  Ski/Snowboard Patrol Training: Skiing/Snowboarding and Sled Handling


Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Demonstrate proper skiing/snowboarding techniques used by professional patrollers.

2. Employ standard sled handling protocols for checkout, anchoring, loading, and running various toboggans.


Methods of Assessing Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Course work: evaluate daily class/field performance, independent research, homework preparation, and physical capabilities.

2. Class discussions: provide comprehensive, cohesive, and accurate oral responses to posed questions.

3. Student self evaluation: assess student learning through an oral/written/physical response that provides factual information and data.



Please note:  The above SLOs and MASLOs are for courses that have anywhere from .5 to 5 units.


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