2006-2007 Institutional Annual Report on Student Learning Outcomes
Introduction At the beginning of the 2006-2007 academic year, Lake Tahoe Community College’s Student Learning Outcomes Committee (a standing committee of the Academic Senate) began its work on student learning outcomes. This committee is comprised of six faculty members, both full time and adjunct, who are serving 3 year commitments to this endeavor. The SLO Committee meets every week and reviews student learning outcomes at the course level, and the Student Learning Outcomes Coordinator signs off on all courses before the courses can continue through the Curriculum Committee review process. One of the first committee actions was to develop a 3-year timeline divided into 3 phases for the completion of all course and program level student learning outcomes and the implementation of the assessment and review process. We are currently in Phase I of this process, which is focused on the development of course-level outcomes and associated methods for assessing these outcomes for a portion of the college’s active courses. The following list details the distribution of the college’s courses across the established three-year timeline for development of course-level student learning outcomes:
Phase I (2006-2007) 134 total courses
Phase II (2007-2008) 321 total courses
Phase III (2008-2009) 583 total courses
During Phase II (2007-2008), the Student Learning Outcomes Committee will begin piloting our assessment process. As of this report, the Committee has developed a General Education Core Competencies statement that has been adopted by the Academic Senate and the Board of Trustees (detailed on pages 12 and 13 of this report). Additionally, an Assessment Plan (see attachment 1) has been developed by the SLO Committee and it is expected that adoption of the plan by the Academic Senate will occur by April 13, 2007.
Lake Tahoe Community College’s report on our progress with student learning outcomes follows.
Part I: Student Learning Outcomes for Courses
1. Defining Expected Student Learning Outcomes List the courses for which identification of expected student learning outcomes is complete.
Student learning outcomes are complete for the following Lake Tahoe Community College courses:
ART 104 ART 105 ART 107 ART 111 ART 114 ART 115 ART 122 ART 142 ART 209 ART 215 ART 253 BIO 120 BIO 121 BIO 122 BIO 203 BIO 204 BIO 205 BIO 210 BSN 117 BSN 118 BSN 122 BSN 160 BSN 161 BSN 162 CAO 110 CAO 121 CAO 122 CAO 164 CAO 164A CAO 164B CAO 165A CAO 166 CAO 166A CAO 166B CHN 151 CHN 152 COU 102 CRJ 101 CRJ 103 CRJ 104 CRJ 105 CRJ 107 CUL 101 CUL 102 CUL 103 CUL 104 CUL 106 CUL 125 CUL 127 CUL 128 CUL 168 CUL 169 CUL 171 CUL 202 CUL 226 DAN 102A DAN 102B DAN 102C DAN 103A DAN 103C DAN 104A DAN 104B DAN 106 DAN 110A DAN 116A DAN 116B ECE 102 ENG 102 ENG 109 ENG 151R ENG 151W ENG 205 ENG 208A ENG 209 FIR 158 FIR 180A FIR 180B FIR 180C FIR 180D FIR 180E FRE 201 FRE 202 FRE 203 GEG 105 GEL 101 GEL 102 HEA 101 HEA 185 HEC 101A HEC 101B HEC101C MAT 115 MAT 116 MAT 117 MAT 152AA MAT 152BB MOA 238 MUS 104 MUS 125B MUS 126D MUS 126E MUS 149 MUS 209 MUS 210 PED 131HR PED 117 PED 205F PED 205G PED 220 PHS 114A PHS 114B PSY 102 RES 152 RES 153 RES 154 RES 155 RES 160 RUS 101 RUS 102 RUS 103 RUS 151 RUS 152 RUS 153 SPA 101 SPA 102 SPA 103 SPA 105 SPA 151 SPA 152 SPA 153 SPA 157A SPA 157B SPA 157C SPA 157D SPA 157E SPA 157F SPA 157G SPA 157H SPA 157J SPA 201 SPA 202 SPA 203 SPA 210 SPA 211 SPA 212 THE 105 THE 106A THE 106B THE 106C THE 110 WLD 171 WLD 172 WLD 173 WLD 174
Total course-level student learning outcomes completed 168
Twelve alternative plans have been submitted to and accepted by the SLO Committee due to individual faculty issues. These courses will be submitted during the summer, 2007.
List the disciplines for which identification of expected student learning outcomes is complete. No disciplines have completed student learning outcomes for all courses.
2. Defining Assessment of Expected Student Learning Outcomes List the courses for which identification of appropriate assessment methodologies for courses with defined expected student learning outcomes is completed.
The methodologies for assessing student learning outcomes are identified for the following Lake Tahoe Community College courses:
ART 104 ART 105 ART 107 ART 111 ART 114 ART 115 ART 122 ART 142 ART 209 ART 215 ART 253 BIO 120 BIO 121 BIO 122 BIO 203 BIO 204 BIO 205 BIO 210 BSN 117 BSN 118 BSN 122 BSN 160 BSN 161 BSN 162 CAO 110 CAO 121 CAO 122 CAO 164 CAO 164A CAO 164B CAO 165A CAO 166 CAO 166A CAO 166B CHN 151 CHN 152 COU 102 CRJ 101 CRJ 103 CRJ 104 CRJ 105 CRJ 107 CUL 101 CUL 102 CUL 103 CUL 104 CUL 106 CUL 125 CUL 127 CUL 128 CUL 168 CUL 169 CUL 171 CUL 202 CUL 226 DAN 102A DAN 102B DAN 102C DAN 103A DAN 103C DAN 104A DAN 104B DAN 106 DAN 110A DAN 116A DAN 116B ECE 102 ENG 102 ENG 109 ENG 151R ENG 151W ENG 205 ENG 208A ENG 209 FIR 158 FIR 180A FIR 180B FIR 180C FIR 180D FIR 180E FRE 201 FRE 202 FRE 203 GEG 105 GEL 101 GEL 102 HEA 101 HEA 185 HEC 101A HEC 101B HEC101C MAT 115 MAT 116 MAT 117 MAT 152AA MAT 152BB MOA 238 MUS 104 MUS 125B MUS 126D MUS 126E MUS 149 MUS 209 MUS 210 PED 131HR PED 117 PED 205F PED 205G PED 220 PHS 114A PHS 114B PSY 102 RES 152 RES 153 RES 154 RES 155 RES 160 RUS 101 RUS 102 RUS 103 RUS 151 RUS 152 RUS 153 SPA 101 SPA 102 SPA 103 SPA 105 SPA 151 SPA 152 SPA 153 SPA 157A SPA 157B SPA 157C SPA 157D SPA 157E SPA 157F SPA 157G SPA 157H SPA 157J SPA 201 SPA 202 SPA 203 SPA 210 SPA 211 SPA 212 THE 105 THE 106A THE 106B THE 106C THE 110 WLD 171 WLD 172 WLD 173 WLD 174
Total courses with completed methodologies for assessing student learning outcomes = 168
In addition, an Assessment Plan has been formulated by the Student Learning Outcomes Committee (see attachment 1) and is being forwarded to the Academic Senate for review and adoption. Discussion of methodologies has taken place at the instructor, department, and SLO Committee levels.
List the disciplines for which identification of appropriate assessment methodologies for courses with defined expected student learning outcomes is complete. No disciplines have completed the identification of appropriate assessment methodologies for all courses.
3. Assessing Student Learning Outcomes List the courses for which assessment of student learning outcomes is complete. Assessment of student learning outcomes is planned to begin during the 2007-2008 academic year.
List the disciplines in which assessment of student learning outcomes is complete for all of its courses. Assessment of student learning outcomes is planned to begin during the 2007-2008 academic year.
4. Analyzing the Results of Assessment List the courses for which analyzing assessment results for student learning outcomes is complete. The processes for analyzing assessment results as well as the integration of those results into course and program planning are documented in the Assessment Plan (see attachment 1) and will begin during the 2007-2008 academic year.
List the disciplines in which analyzing assessment results for student learning outcomes is complete. The processes for analyzing assessment results as well as the integration of those results into course and program planning are documented in the Assessment Plan (see attachment 1) and will begin during the 2007-2008 academic year.
5. Planning and implementing changes to pedagogy, facilities, etc. to improve learning List the courses for which the college has used assessment results to plan and make changes to improve learning; and describe the changes implemented. The college has an institutionalized and vigorous program planning (i.e., program review) cycle which has each program area assess and analyze its contributions to student learning and success. The inclusion of assessment results from student learning outcomes will be incorporated into this process.
Part II: Student Learning Outcomes Leading to Certificates and Degrees
6. Defining Expected Student Learning Outcomes List the certificate and degree programs for which identification of expected student learning outcomes is complete.
In the tables below, the “X” indicates completion of degree and certificate level student learning outcomes. The Student Learning Outcomes Committee plans to begin review of the certificate and degree level student learning outcomes during year 2 of the 3-year cycle.
A.A. Degrees Available Course-level Degree-level SLOs Complete SLOs Complete
Addiction Studies X Anthropology X Art X Business-Accounting X Business-Finance X Business-Management X Business-Marketing X Business-Small Business Ownership X Business-Hotel and Restaurant Management X Business-General Business X Business-Global Business X Computer Applications/Office Technology X Criminal Justice X Culinary Arts X Early Childhood Education X English X Fire Science X Health/Physical Education, and Dance X Humanities X Liberal Arts X Mathematics X Medical Office Assistant-Administrative X Medical Office Assistant-Clinical X Natural Science X Psychology X Social Science X Sociology X Spanish X Visual and Performing Arts X
Certificates Available Course-level Degree-level SLOs Complete SLOs Complete
Addiction Studies X Art X Business X Computer Applications/Office Technology X Criminal Justice X Culinary Arts X Culinary Arts Advanced X Early Childhood Education X Fire Science X Medical Office Assistant: Administrative X Medical Office Assistant: Clinical X Photography X Spanish X
7. Mapping Programmatic Student Learning Outcomes to Courses Has the institution mapped expected programmatic student learning outcomes to all the courses and other learning experiences (i.e., work experience, internships, co-curricular, etc.) required to complete the certificate and degree programs? This begins in year 2 of our current 3-year student learning outcomes cycle. The Academic Senate approved a General Education Core Competencies document that will be the rubric of this mapping process.
8. Defining Assessment of Expected Student Learning Outcomes Has the college identified appropriate assessment methodologies for the programmatic expected student learning outcomes, including summative assessments where appropriate? Suggested methodologies are referenced in the Assessment Plan and are under discussion by the Student Learning Outcomes Committee.
9. Assessing Student Learning Outcomes Has the college assessed expected student learning outcomes for all courses required to complete the certificate and degree programs? The assessment of student learning outcomes will begin in year 2 of the Assessment Plan and in the first year of the process will focus primarily on general education courses using the established Core Competencies as the rubric.
10. Analyzing the Results of Assessment Has the college analyzed assessment results for all courses required to complete the certificate and degree programs? The Student Learning Outcomes Committee will be reviewing the assessment results during year 2 of the student learning outcomes cycle.
11. Planning and implementing changes to pedagogy, facilities, etc. to improve learning. Using assessment results, has the college planned and implemented changes to pedagogy, facilities, etc. to improve learning for all certificate/degree programs? The college has an institutionalized and vigorous program planning (i.e., program review) cycle which has each program area assess and analyze its contributions to student learning and success. The inclusion of assessment results from student learning outcomes will be incorporated into this process.
Part III: Student Learning Outcomes for General Education
12. Defining Expected Student Learning Outcomes List the general education courses for which identification of expected student learning outcomes is complete.
The following General Education Core Competencies statement has been adopted by the Academic Senate and Board of Trustees and serves as the foundational learning outcome for all general education courses:
We are currently in year 1 of the 3-year student learning outcomes completion plan. At the end of the cycle, we expect 100% of general education courses to have stated student learning outcomes that are integrated with these General Education Core Competencies.
13. Mapping of Programmatic Student Learning Outcomes to Courses. Has the college mapped expected general education student learning outcomes to all the courses and other experiences (i.e., co-curricular, service learning, etc.) required to complete the general education requirements of the institution? This activity is scheduled to begin in year 2 of our 3-year student learning outcomes completion plan.
14. Defining Assessment of Expected Student Learning Outcomes Has the college identified appropriate assessment methodologies for the expected student learning outcomes in general education courses? We have identified and discussed assessment methodologies at the Student Learning Outcomes Committee level and are bringing a recommended Assessment Plan to the Academic Senate on April 13, 2007.
15. Assessing Student Learning Outcomes Has the college assessed student learning outcomes for all courses in general education? The Assessment Plan that begins in year 2 of our 3-year cycle is going to begin with the assessment of general education courses connected to the General Education Core Competencies.
16. Analyzing the Results of Assessment Has the college analyzed assessment results for all courses in general education? The analysis of the assessment of general education courses is addressed in the Assessment Plan and will begin in year 2 of our 3-year cycle.
17. Planning and implementing changes to pedagogy, facilities, etc. to improve learning. Using assessment results, has the college planned and implemented changes to pedagogy, facilities, etc. to improve learning for all general education courses? The college has an institutionalized and vigorous program planning (i.e., program review) cycle which has each program area assess and analyze its contributions to student learning and success. The inclusion of assessment results from student learning outcomes will be incorporated into this process.
Part IV: Student Learning Outcomes for Instructional Support and Student Support Services
18. Defining Expected Student Learning Outcomes Has the college defined expected student learning outcomes for instructional support services (i.e., library and learning resources, tutoring, etc)? To date, the programs associated with instructional support services (that is, the Library and Media Services and the Learning Support Complex) have not developed student learning outcomes.
Has the college defined expected student learning outcomes for student support services? To date, the following student support services programs have defined program-level student learning outcomes:
19. Mapping of Programmatic Student Learning Outcomes to Courses Has the college mapped expected instructional and student support student learning outcomes to all courses and other experiences? This is scheduled to begin in year 2 of the 3-year cycle.
20. Defining Assessment of Expected Student Learning Outcomes Has the college identified appropriate assessment methodologies for the expected student learning outcomes in instructional support courses or other experiences? This is scheduled to begin in year 2 of the 3-year cycle.
Has the college identified appropriate assessment methodologies for the expected student learning outcomes in student support services courses or other learning experiences? To date, the following student support services programs have defined program-level student learning outcomes as well as appropriate assessment methodologies:
21. Assessing Student Learning Outcomes Has the college assessed student learning outcomes for all courses or other experiences in instructional support and student support services? The assessment of student learning outcomes in instructional support and student support services will begin in year 2 of the 3-year cycle and follow the guidelines of the Assessment Plan.
22. Analyzing the Results of Assessment Has the college analyzed assessment results for all courses or other learning experiences in instructional and student support services? The analysis of the assessment of student learning outcomes in instructional support and student support services will begin in year 3 of the 3-year cycle and follow the guidelines of the Assessment Plan.
23. Planning and implementing changes to pedagogy, facilities, etc. to improve learning. Using assessment results, has the college planned and implemented changes to pedagogy, facilities, etc. to improve learning for all instructional and student support services courses or other learning experiences? The college has an institutionalized and vigorous program planning (i.e., program review) cycle which has each program area assess and analyze its contributions to student learning and success. The inclusion of assessment results from student learning outcomes will be incorporated into this process.
Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan
1. Faculty develops their own course-based Student Learning Outcomes and map assignments designed to assess specific, desired outcomes.
2. Choose a methodology and assess the SLO to corresponding aspects of one of the General Education Core Competencies or specific course SLOs.
3. Assess the assignment using a rubric that articulates specific standards and criteria.
4. If the assignment is a major exam or project, faculty instead look at specific groups of questions that address the SLO or core competency.
5. Faculty evaluate the results of the students’ assessments, note what student needs and issues were revealed and how the assignment or teaching activities could be altered to improve student learning.
6. Faculty dialogue about their results in department meetings, sharing their assignments, their evaluation of their results, and their ideas for improvement, including what assistance the college could provide to improve student learning.
7. Findings are submitted to the institutional researcher who aggregates the data and reports institution-wide results in Graphically Speaking.
8. Department chairs record the issues and suggestions that arise during the discussion on the Assessment Analysis form, which is forwarded to the SLO Committee.
9. Faculty then generates the assignments that will be assessed in the next sequence, and the process continues.
Student Learning Outcomes Report Update 4/3/07
Total Courses SLO Review Alternative Plans
Phase I 134 61 12 2006-2007
Phase II 321 33 2007-2008
Phase III 583 37 2008-2009
New Courses 27 27
Totals 1065 168 12