Lake Tahoe Community College SLO Committee Meeting Tuesday, April 24, 2007 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm Meeting Room Agenda
Agenda Items: 1. Approval of minutes from April 17 meeting 2. Start evaluation process of new courses submitted 3. Evaluation of resubmitted courses 4. Other items
New courses to be reviewed for SLOs and MASLOs: 1. ART 101 Art History: Prehistoric – Islamic Phyllis Shafer (SLO update only) 2. ART 103 Art History: Baroque – Contemporary Phyllis Shafer (SLO update only) 3. ART 112 Two and Three-Dimensional Design Phyllis Shafer (SLO update only) 4. ART 118 Color Phyllis Shafer (SLO update only) 5. ART 119 Beginning Ceramics Phyllis Shafer 6. ART 139A Raku Pottery Workshop Phyllis Shafer 7. ART 139D Printmaking Techniques with Etching Phyllis Shafer Workshop (SLO update only) 8. BIO 110 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology Sue Kloss (SLO update only) 9. COU 154 Summer Bridge Tracy Thomas 10. FIR 167 Wildland Fire Safety and Hand Crew Virginia Boyar Operations (I-100, L-180, S-130, S-190 11. HEC 181A Supplement to HEC 110A: Clothing Madelyn Comer Construction I (SLO update only) 12. HEC 181B Supplement to HEC 110B: Clothing Madelyn Comer Construction II (SLO update only) 13. HEC 181C Supplement to HEC 110C: Clothing Madelyn Comer Construction III (SLO update only) 14. MAT 118 Calculus for Business and Social Sciences Larry Green
Additions: 1. JPN 101 Elementary Japanese I Nancy Barclay 2. JPN 102 Elementary Japanese II Nancy Barclay 3. JPN 103 Elementary Japanese III Nancy Barclay 4. JPN 151 Conversational Japanese I Nancy Barclay 5. JPN 152 Conversational Japanese II Nancy Barclay 6. JPN 153 Conversational Japanese III Nancy Barclay 7. JPN 201 Intermediate Japanese I Nancy Barclay 8. JPN 202 Intermediate Japanese II Nancy Barclay 9. JPN 203 Intermediate Japanese III Nancy Barclay 10. HEA 110A AHA Heart Saver-AED Tim Johnson 11. HEA 110B Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers Tim Johnson
12. HEA 110E Basic Life Support for the Healthcare Tim Johnson Provider/Heart Saver First Aid
Resubmissions: None |