Lake Tahoe Community College SLO Committee Meeting Wednesday, February 28, 2007 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm Meeting Room Minutes
Members Present: Kurt Green, Jon Kingsbury, Steve Fernald, Larry Green, Beachy Orr, Absent: Rosie Hackett Staff: Terry Livesay
Items discussed: 1) Approval of minutes from February 21 meeting: Approved by consensus
2) Start evaluation process of new courses submitted: The committee reviewed the original 13 courses that were submitted for SLOs and MASLOs which resulted in all being moved forward.
3) Evaluation of resubmitted courses: The committee reviewed the one resubmitted course which resulted in the course being moved forward.
4) Discussion of SLOs and MASLOs for Web Site (Committee members to bring their ideas): There was no further discussion as the meeting time ran out.
5) Discussion of committee’s role in follow-up with initiators of courses previously returned: There was no further discussion as the meeting time ran out.
6) Discussion to finalize a deadline for faculty submitting courses needing SLO updates: The committee decided to change the dates to the following to coincide with the SLO Committee meeting dates for the spring quarter: · April 24 - Initial deadline · May 1 - Possible two hour SLO Committee meeting · May 8 - Committee to have courses back to faculty (if needing improvement) · May 22 - Final deadline: Faculty to have courses back to committee
7) Discussion of Senate recommendation: Jon presented the ‘Request for Agenda Items for Academic Senate’ from Eric Sturgess that contains the SLO Committee resolution. Kurt will present the resolution to Senate on Friday. It did not contain the details of the ‘Cabrillo College Model for Core Competencies’. The committee decided that Kurt will send Eric the ‘Cabrillo College Model for Core Competencies’ to include with the resolution.
8) Discussion of meeting times for spring quarter: The committee agreed on the following tentative meeting times as Rosie was not present: · First choice - Tuesdays - 3:00pm to 4:00pm · Second choice - Thursdays - 3:00pm to 4:00pm · Third choice - Thursdays - 4:00pm to 5:00pm
9) Other items: a) Kurt suggested rearranging Butler’s ‘Systematic Assessment Program’’ and Cabrillo’s ‘Assessment Method’’ for LTCC’s ‘Core Competencies’. The committee agreed. b) Beachy suggested to have the initiator come to the SLO meetings when they send more than a few courses at the same time so that the committee can direct questions to the initiator as this should save time. The committee agreed. c) Kurt informed the committee that he will not be able to attend the meeting next week. The committee will decide whether or not to have a meeting next week.
Meeting was adjourned at 2:30pm. |