Lake Tahoe Community College SLO Committee Meeting Monday, October 30, 2006 - 3:30pm to 4:30pm Library - TLRC Room Minutes
Members Present: Kurt Green, Beachy Orr, Steve Fernald, Larry Green, Rosie Hackett, Jon Kingsbury
Guest: Mike Spina
Items discussed include: 1) Mike Spina / CMS: Mike presented options as to how the SLO Committee’s review and approval process could be integrated into CMS. Discussion followed as to whether the committee should adopt a system similar to the Curriculum Committee (access by one and approval by one) or some variation where multiple individuals could access the course outlines and approve the changes. The committee decided that it would follow the Curriculum Committee’s format and that Kurt would be the contact person who would have access and final approval. This approval would come after the courses were reviewed and approved by consensus of the committee. Mike agreed to modify CMS to allow for this adopted process. Mike also said he would be changing the title of the “Methods of Evaluation” section to “Methods in Assessing Student Learning Outcomes” (MASLOs) in CMS.
2) Other items: The following topics were also discussed: a) Given the extremely large number of courses the committee will be responsible for reviewing, Kurt will speak with Lori Gaskin about administrative support for preparing and distributing course outlines to committee members. b) It was decided that, given the volume of work, the committee would meet every week on Monday instead of every other week as previously noted. c) The committee also wants to present to the Academic Senate the concerns it has over the MASLOs and the work that will be required of the faculty. d) Using Beachy’s BIO 210 as an example, the committee discussed how the MASLOs should be developed for each course. It was agreed that MASLOs should not be teacher-specific and instead be general enough so that other faculty could teach the course.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:45pm. |