Lake Tahoe Community College

SLO Committee Meeting

Monday, November 27, 2006 - 3:30pm to 4:30pm

Room L132



Members Present:  Kurt Green, Beachy Orr, Steve Fernald, Larry Green, Rosie Hackett

Members Absent:  Jon Kingsbury

Staff: Terry Livesay


Items discussed:

1)       Approval of minutes from November 20 meeting: Approved by consensus


2)      Continue evaluation process of courses submitted for review on November 6:

There was no further discussion of courses submitted on November 6 as all courses have been either approved and moved to dean level or sent back to the initiator for further work.


3)      Start evaluation process of new courses submitted:

The committee reviewed the new courses submitted for SLOs and MASLOs.  The review resulted in all being forwarded to the dean level.


4)  Further discussion of Terry’s role on the committee:

The committee decided that the time involved for Terry to cut and paste all SLOs and MASLOs for every course outline that has been approved would take a considerable amount of time.  It was decided that she would prepare four examples for the Web Site and the committee would consult with Computer Services to see if it would be feasible for them to supply Larry with a list of courses that included SLOs and MASLOs for the Web Site.


5)  Continued discussion of faculty compensation:

There was no further discussion of faculty compensation as this matter is now in negotiation at Senate.


6)  Winter quarter meeting schedule:

The committee decided that the meetings will take place on Wednesdays from 1:30pm to 2:30pm for the winter quarter.  It was also decided that Terry would put all winter meetings in Outlook for all committee members.


7)  Other items:

There were no other items discussed.


Meeting was adjourned at 4:35pm.

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