Lake Tahoe Community College

SLO Committee Meeting

Monday, November 27, 2006 - 3:30pm to 4:30pm

Room L132



Agenda Items:

1.   Approval of minutes from November 20 meeting

2.   Continue evaluation process of courses submitted for review on November 6

3.   Start evaluation process of new courses submitted

4.   Further discussion of Terry’s role on the committee

5.   Continued discussion of faculty compensation

6.   Winter quarter meeting schedule

7.   Other items


New courses to be reviewed for SLOs and MASLOs:

1.   BIO 120                Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology              Beachy Orr

2.   BIO 121                Musculoskeletal Anatomy                                                    Beachy Orr

3.   BIO 203               Human Anatomy and Physiology                                          Beachy Orr

4.   BIO 204               Human Anatomy and Physiology                                          Beachy Orr

5.   BIO 205               Human Anatomy and Physiology                                          Beachy Orr

6.   BIO 210                Microbiology                                                                          Beachy Orr

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