Lake Tahoe Community College

SLO Committee Meeting

Wednesday, October 22, 2008 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Board Room



Members Present:  Kurt Green, Jon Kingsbury, Scott Valentine

Members Absent:  Lisa Foley

Staff:  Terry Livesay


Items discussed:

1)      Approval of minutes from October 15 meeting: Approved by consensus


2)  Start evaluation process of new courses submitted:

The committee reviewed the original 30 courses that were submitted for SLOs and MASLOs which resulted all being moved forward.  There were also two additions which resulted in both being moved forward.


3)  Evaluation of resubmitted courses:

The committee reviewed the five resubmitted courses which resulted in all being moved forward. 


4)  Other items:

a)     Kurt talked about when the Assessment Committee could meet.  He thought possibly a retreat on Saturday for a couple of hours to discuss the assessment plan and connecting it all to budget.  He also said that anyone from the SLO Committee is welcome to attend. 

b)     At the Student Learning and Assessment retreat last weekend Kurt stated that our college will have all course-level SLOs completed this year.  The other attendees were astounded.  Not many colleges are as far along with their course-level SLOs as LTCC.

c)     Kurt reiterated that all colleges need to be at the proficiency level by 2012 in assessments.





Meeting was adjourned at 3:00pm.