Lake Tahoe Community College

SLO Committee Meeting

Monday, October 16, 2006 - 3:30pm to 4:30pm

Room A106



Members Present: Kurt Green, Beachy Orr, Steve Fernald, Larry Green, Rosie Hackett, Jon Kingsbury


Items discussed include:

1)      SLO Committee website: Larry Green will create a website for the SLO Committee. He made it clear that he would be responsible for the updating of the website but that the other members of the committee would be responsible for submitting information to him as attachments to emails.


2)     Content for website: Discussion followed as to what should be included in the website and some suggestions were:

a)     Background and purpose of the committee, including a Mission Statement,

b)     Accreditation standards and relevant documentation from their last visit,

c)     Minutes to our meetings,

d)     Schedule of upcoming meetings,

e)     Schedule of courses to be modified,

f)     Links to other schools and courses already modified with SLOs,

g)     Templates for SLOs and Methods of Assessing SLOs (MASLOs),

h)     Examples of LTCC-approved SLOs and Methods of Assessing SLOs (MASLOs).


3)     Committee Procedures: Discussion followed as to how the committee would proceed in fulfilling its mission:

a)     Committee service term would be based on 3-year rotation with a staggered start this year. Some current members would serve two years and some three to ensure that there would always be some senior faculty members on the committee,

b)     Members would be available to meet one-on-one with faculty to help them develop SLOs if the need arises,

c)     Schedule reviews of courses by departments and have department chairs present SLOs and MASLOs, deans would present for courses/departments without chairs,

d)     New Special Topics courses will require SLOs and MASLOs. Those Special Topics already in “the pipeline” can remain as is. However they will be required for their next submission,

e)     Expectation is that full-time faculty will develop SLOs and MASLOs for all courses within their departments, adjuncts can be used in expertise-specific courses.


4)     Unresolved questions and concerns: The following items were also presented with some follow-up needed:

a)     Compensation for adjuncts who are the primary resource for expertise-specific courses and should it be on a “per course” basis (committee recommendation),

b)     Relating to 4a, the committee will extend an invitation to Lori and the Deans to come and discuss the compensation idea (budget implications?) along with providing the committee with a sense of the number of adjuncts and courses involved,

c)     The committee will request from Lori Thorne a copy of the Title V Update schedule for all LTCC courses

d)     Where should program SLOs be placed in this overall process? Should they be done along with course SLOs or can they wait until after the courses are completed?

e)     Should the CMS be modified to allow faculty changes for SLOs and MASLOs to be sent directly to the SLO Committee? This could be accomplished by merely adding an extra button, “Submit to SLO Committee” to the end of the course outline.


5)     Upcoming meetings: The committee has tentatively scheduled the following meeting times thru the Winter quarter:

a)     Fall 2006 - Mondays, 3:30pm to 4:30pm in A206:

i)       October 30,

ii)     November 13, and

iii)   November 27,

b)     Winter 2007 - Wednesdays, 1:30pm to 2:30pm in A206:

i)       January 10,

ii)     January 24,

iii)   February 07,

iv)    February 21,

v)      March 07, and

vi)    March 21.

c)     Spring 2007 - to be determined and announced at a later date.


Meeting was adjourned at 4:30pm.

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