SLO Committee Update

October 13, 2006


1.         Review committee recommendations regarding role with curriculum committee.


            A.  Change in course outlines of record from Student Outcomes to Student                  Learning Outcomes and Methods of Evaluation to Methods of Assessing Student       Learning Outcomes.


            B.  Work in conjunction with the curriculum committee in reviewing SLOs during           the curriculum revision process.  The proposal is to review SLOs prior to         submission of course outlines to the dean.  Much like the sign-off from the            director of the library, there will be a place for the SLO committee to sign-off    their recommendation of SLO acceptance to the curriculum committee.  The SLO           committee felt that this process would help speed up the passage of curriculum    through the acceptance process.  This was discussed at the September 29         curriculum committee meeting and has the support of the committee.


            C.  Recommend that Student Learning Outcomes be an agenda item at each      curriculum committee meeting.


2.         Committee recommendations to the senate.


            A.  Include the Student Learning Outcome committee report as a standing senate           report.


            B.  Review the SLO course completion timeline.


            C.  Add the student learning outcomes report to the senate board report given at           the board meetings.


3.         Committee recommendations to the institution


            A.  The committee recommends that the institution begin work on revising the    college’s mission statement to reflect the institution’s commitment to student   learning outcomes.


4.         Committee information


            A.  Meetings – October 16 and 30; November 13 and 27.  The meetings are at            3:30.  Curriculum due dates to the deans are November 1 and January 15.


            B.  Construction of a Website.


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