Lake Tahoe Community College

SLO Committee Meeting

Wednesday, May 21, 2008 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Tallac Room



Members Present:  Jon Kingsbury, Lisa Foley

Members Absent:  Kurt Green, Beachy Orr, Rosie Hackett

Staff:  Terry Livesay


Items discussed:

1)      Approval of minutes from May 7 meeting: Approved by consensus


2)  Start evaluation process of new courses submitted:

The committee reviewed the original 36 courses that were submitted for SLOs and MASLOs which resulted in all 36 being moved forward.  There was one addition which resulted in the one being moved forward. 


3)  Other items:

Due to the length of the meeting, there was no time left for any other discussions.



Meeting was adjourned at 2:35pm.