Lake Tahoe Community College SLO Committee Meeting Wednesday, May 21, 2008 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm Tallac Room Agenda
Agenda Items: 1. Approval of minutes from May 7 meeting 2. Start evaluation process of new courses submitted 3. Other items
New courses to be reviewed for SLOs and MASLOs: 1. ART 240 Painting: Narrative and Symbolism Phyllis Shafer 2. CIS 152 Electronic (Internet) Storefront Development John Olsen 3. CIS 161A Microcomputer Technician I – Operating Systems Dave Burba 4. CIS 161B Microcomputer Technician I – Hardware Dave Burba 5. CIS 162A Microcomputer Technician II – Operating Systems Dave Burba 6. CIS 162B Microcomputer Technician II – Hardware Dave Burba 7. CIS 163 Microcomputer Technician III – Operating Systems Dave Burba 8. ENG 156A Grammar Brush Up I Janet Smith 9. ENG 156B Grammar Brush Up II Janet Smith 10. ENG 160 ESL Bridge to English Janet Smith 11. HIS 104 Early California History Steve Adams 12. HIS 105 Modern California History Steve Adams 13. HIS 109 Women in American History Steve Adams 14. HIS 110 Minority and Multicultural History of the United Steve Adams States 15. HIS 111 History of the United States (revised) Steve Adams 16. HIS 112 History of the United States (revised) Steve Adams 17. HIS 113 History of the United States (revised) Steve Adams 18. HIS 120 History of Lake Tahoe Steve Adams 19. HIS 121 History of Yosemite Steve Adams 20. HIS 122 History of San Francisco Steve Adams 21. POL 101 United States Government Steve Adams 22. POL 107 Political Theory Steve Adams 23. HUM 105 Mythology Becky Bullard 24. HUM 107A Spanish Life and Culture Becky Bullard 25. HUM 107B British Life and Culture Becky Bullard 26. HUM 107C French Life and Culture Becky Bullard 27. PEF 136A Volleyball: Beginning Tim Johnson 28. PEF 136B Volleyball: Intermediate Tim Johnson 29. PEF 136C Volleyball: Competitive Tim Johnson 30. PEF 136E Sand Volleyball: Competitive Tim Johnson 31. PEF 137A Ice Skating: Beginning Tim Johnson 32. PEF 137B Ice Skating: Intermediate Tim Johnson 33. PEF 137C Ice Hockey: Beginning Tim Johnson 34. PEF 137D Ice Hockey: Intermediate Tim Johnson 35. PET 102 Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries Tim Johnson 36. PET 103 Fitness Assessment Tim Johnson
Additions: · CIS 120A Computer Programming I Steve Richardson |