Lake Tahoe Community College

SLO Committee Meeting

Wednesday, April 16, 2008 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Tallac Room



Members Present:  Kurt Green, Jon Kingsbury, Beachy Orr, Lisa Foley

Members Absent:  Rosie Hackett

Staff:  Terry Livesay


Items discussed:

1)      Approval of minutes from March 19 meeting: Approved by consensus


2)  Start evaluation process of new courses submitted:

The committee reviewed the original ten courses that were submitted for SLOs and MASLOs which resulted in all ten being moved forward. 


3)  Evaluation of resubmitted courses:

The committee reviewed the one course that was resubmitted which resulted in the one being moved forward.


4)  Other items:

a)     Kurt stated that the SLO portion of the report is done.  This was the yearly report that is sent to Chancellor’s Office.  He mentioned that the focus is now on General Education courses.

b)     Kurt will send out an email to faculty reminding them of their SLO deadline.

c)     Lisa stated she will be at a Library Director’s Program SLO Training Meeting in Walnut Creek on April 30, 2008. 



Meeting was adjourned at 12:45pm.