Lake Tahoe Community College

SLO Committee Meeting

Wednesday, April 16, 2008 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Tallac Room



Agenda Items:

1.   Approval of minutes from March 19 meeting

2.  Start evaluation process of new courses submitted

3.   Other items


New courses to be reviewed for SLOs and MASLOs:

1.  BIO 115                  Forensics and Biotechnology                                   Beachy Orr

2.  BIO 116                 Introduction to Biotechnology                                Beachy Orr

3.  DMA 101                Introduction to Video Editing: YouTube to           Corrie Francis


4.  SNL 120B              Conversational American Sign Language II           Karla Johnston

5.  SPA 171A              Intermediate Spanish for the Professions I         Sara Pierce

6.  SPA 171B               Intermediate Spanish for the Professions II       Sara Pierce

7.  SPA 171C               Intermediate Spanish for the Professions III     Sara Pierce

8.  SPA 172A              Advanced Spanish for the Professions I               Sara Pierce

9.  SPA 172B              Advanced Spanish for the Professions II             Sara Pierce

10.  SPA 172C             Advanced Spanish for the Professions III           Sara Pierce



·         ECE 202                Practicum in Early Childhood Programs – Field      Michelle Sower
