Lake Tahoe Community College

SLO Committee Meeting

Wednesday, March 19, 2008 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Tallac Room



Members Present:  Kurt Green, Jon Kingsbury, Beachy Orr, Rosie Hackett, Lisa Foley

Staff:  (Terry Livesay absent, minutes submitted by Jon Kingsbury)


Items discussed:

1)      Approval of minutes from March 5 meeting: Approved by consensus


2)  Start evaluation process of new courses submitted:

The committee reviewed the original six courses that were submitted for SLOs and MASLOs which resulted in all six being moved forward.  There was one addition which was returned to the initiator.


3)     Other items:

a)     Lori Gaskin requested that Kurt and the committee look into having the SLOs be incorporated into the Program Planning Handbook under section #V – Elements of the Report in section ‘J’ - Student Learning and Success.  Lori would like this in the handbook to show connection between SLOs and the college’s program planning process. Jon suggested that section J be divided into subsections A and B with ‘SLO Statement’ and ‘Assessing SLOs’ in subsection A and the existing ‘Program Data from Graphically Speaking’ in subsection B.  The committee agreed. Kurt will develop a draft for review.

b)     The committee discussed meeting times for spring quarter and decided that Wednesdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm would fit everyone’s schedule.  (Upon further discussion with Jon and Kurt, the committee will meet twice a month.) 



Meeting was adjourned at 2:40pm.