Lake Tahoe Community College

SLO Committee Meeting

Wednesday, March 5, 2008 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Aspen Room



Members Present:  Kurt Green, Jon Kingsbury, Beachy Orr, Rosie Hackett, Lisa Foley

Staff:  Terry Livesay


Items discussed:

1)      Approval of minutes from February 20 meeting (there was no meeting on February 27): Approved by consensus


2)  Start evaluation process of new courses submitted:

The committee reviewed the original three courses that were submitted for SLOs and MASLOs which resulted in all three being moved forward.


3)     Evaluation of Added Courses:

The committee reviewed the two added courses that resulted in both being moved forward.


4)     Other items:

a)     Kurt informed the committee that he needs to write a one page response addressing the integration of the SLOs into the Program Review by Friday.  This needs to go to College Council before April.

b)     Lisa stated that out of 107 colleges, over 90 are on warning regarding their SLOs.

c)     Kurt informed the committee that LTCC’s SLOs are approximately fifty percent complete for all phases, though there are 44 courses still outstanding for Phase II.

d)     Rosie stated that Kurt’s ‘SLO Progress Report’ shows her having five (5) outstanding courses still needing SLOs and MASLOs but says that they are quite possibly inactivations or deletions.  She will research this and get the information to Kurt so he can hopefully remove them from the list.  Rosie also informed the committee that she has an article in the ‘Monday Morning Memo’ next week regarding a ‘Green Program’ that she is doing research on.

e)     Kurt expressed concern that the ‘Strategic Planning’ does not address SLOs.  Our Mission Statement also lacks addressing SLOs.  Beachy expressed her concerns as well.  She feels that students need more education in their writing and spelling skills.  Jon stated that students need to have communication skills just to write a letter and a lot of students are lacking in that respect.

f)     Regarding a few of the courses that the SLO Committee reviewed recently, Kurt said that he has talked to the instructor and even the dean about the length of the SLOs and informed them that the instructor will at some time need to assess those SLOs and if there are too many they may have difficulty properly assessing them.

g)     Jon stated that the Curriculum Committee recently sent back a couple of courses because they had too many SLOs.  The faculty member subsequently resubmitted the courses with fewer SLOs.

h)     The next meeting date is March 19 and Kurt will send out a reminder that the committee needs to have their assigned program-level SLOs evaluated so the committee can review them at that time.


Meeting was adjourned at 2:40pm.