SLO Assessment Committee Meeting

Monday October 29, 2007



·                    Mapping of SLOs for faculty are due (Choosing  a course for the year to do SLOs; Mapping SLOs to course competencies)



·                    English Dept – SLOs will be part of Program Plan

Rubrics for essays

English 101, 102, 103



·                    Math 152B – Pre and post test

Exams will include the problems that address each of the SLOs



·                    GES 142 - Interpretation of Learning Styles and Cognitive Development


Student understanding of learning strengths and limitations will be measured by review and role-play with LD specialist


      Student self-advocacy with instructors will be measured by use of forms such as Request for Test Accommodations and Classroom and Test Accommodations Verification



·                    Psych/ECE 102 – students evaluate one another re:  preschool teaching skills





·                    SLO           Core Map                    Assessment Plan           Assessment Report

                             (map to core competencies)



·                    Sampling will be provided by the SLO Assessment Committee members, also examples from PE and Art


·                    Keep it simple, text-based

·                    E-mail examples to Larry



·                    Title IV Assessment Report


·                    Title = Course Name (e.g. English 102 SLO Assessment Process)


·                    Assessment Process = title for the whole thing


·                    Map to Core Competencies