PSY 102/ECE 102 Assessment Process SLOs Map to Core Competencies Assessment Plan Assessment Report 1. Students will demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of biopsychosocial developmental processes from conception through adolescence.
2. Students will synthesize and apply class information in order to develop an independent behavioral observation project, culminating in a written behavioral observation report.
3. Students will synthesize and apply class information in order to develop an independent behavioral observation project, culminating in an oral behavioral observation report.
4. Students will develop the ability to evaluate peers’ performance, and in turn will develop an awareness of feedback as important to success.
1.Indepedent behavioral observational reports will be assessed for biopsychosocial application.
2. 80 % of students will receive a grade of 70% (C) or better on evaluation of their written behavioral observation report using a grading rubric with specific criteria.
3. 80% students will receive a grade of 70% (C) or better on evaluation of their oral behavioral observation report using a grading rubric with specific criteria.
4. Using an instructor designed grading rubric, students will evaluate each oral presentation by their peers by using a 1 (poor) to 10 (excellent) scale to grade the areas of 1) Organization of the presentation, 2) Clarity of the presentation, and 3) Comprehensiveness of the presentation. Additionally, students will provide justification for the grade given for each of three assessment areas. Peer evaluations will be evaluated by the instructor for quality of feedback.
Behavioral Observational Report Length: 4-6 pages (double-spaced, typewritten, 1 inch margins, Times New Roman) 10 points
Sections of the Observational Report
Introduction: 10 points In this first part of the report, you want to give as much information as you can as regards to the developmental theories and concepts that you will be discussing throughout your paper.
Identifying Information: 15 points The second part of the report presents relevant identifying information. Include the subject’s name (use a false name for the purpose of this course to provide confidentiality to your subject), date of birth, gender, chronological age, grade in school (where appropriate), date of observation, date of report, and include other significant people in the observation. You may want to include number of siblings, ages and birth order or single, married, divorced (what ever the case may be).
Setting of the Observation: 10 points Describe the setting in which the observation(s) took place, the people present, their relationship to the subject and the length of the observation.
Behavioral Observation: 20 points It is recommended that you observe your subject in more than one setting. For example: it would be helpful to observe a child both in the playground interacting with peers and in the classroom. In writing your report, recognize the difference between statements that describe behavior and statements that interpret behavior. Include descriptions of behavior in this section and save your interpretations for the discussion section. Whenever possible indicate the subject’s own words and actions.
Include a description of the subject’s biopsychosocial development (physical maturation and motor development-emphasizing milestones), cognitive development (for example: emphasizing attainment of Piaget’s stages), and psychosocial development (emotional, personality and social development). Pay special attention to how your subject interacts with others. Others may include peers, teachers, and family members. If observing a child and parents are present, you may want to include the interactions between parents as well. Watch for non-verbal cues like eye contact, tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language. Remember to describe all three domains of human development.
Discussion Section: 15 points In the discussion section, discuss the psychological implications of the information included in the Behavioral Observation section. Include impressions of the subject’s self image and personality development. For example, it is here where you can discuss attachment, or identity development, just to name a couple. Presentation 20 points
Fall 2007 Semester Project/Paper/Presentation Grading Rubric
5 points will be taken off for every day late. Peer Evaluation Form Students name to be evaluated:______________________________________________ Presentation Topic________________________________________________________ With 1 being poor and 10 being excellent rate each on a scale from 1 to 10 Organization; Does the presentation have a distinct beginning, middle and end? _______
Clarity; was the presentation easy to understand, did it make sense to you? _______
Comprehensive; was the information in the presentation complete, was anything missing that should have been included?_______
Please now comment on each of the grading criteria, that is, why did they receive the grade that they did? What could they do to improve? Organization_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Other general comments? ______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |