The Matrix of a Linear Transformation


Finding the Matrix

We have seen how to find the matrix that changes from one basis to another.  We have also seen how to find the matrix for a linear transformation from Rm to Rn.  Now we will show how to find the matrix of a general linear transformation when the bases are given.  



Let L be a linear transformation from V to W and let 

        S  =  {v1, ... ,vm}         and         T  = {w1, ... ,wn

be bases for V and W respectively.  Then the matrix A representing L with respect to the bases S and T has ijth component that is the jth coordinate of the vector L(vi).

We start with the example when both bases are "standard".  For this section, we will use the following conventions.  We will use the letter "E" to denote the standard basis.

For Pn, we will call the basis

        (Pn)E  =  {1, t, t2, ..., tn}

the "standard" basis.

For Mmxn, we will call the basis

      MEmxn  =  {A11, A12, ..., A1n, A21, ..., A2n,... ..., Am1, ..., Amn}

the standard basis where Aij is the matrix with the ijth entry equal to 1 and all the rest are zero.  With this convention, the standard basis for M3x2 is given by




Let L be the linear transformation from R2 to P2 defined by

        L(x,y)  =  x + yt + (x + y)t2

Find the matrix representing L with respect to the standard bases. 



Notice that

       L(1,0)  =  1 + t2  =  (1,0,1)        L(0,1)  =  t + t2  =  (0,1,1)

hence the matrix is given by


Now we will proceed with a more complicated example.



Let L be the linear transformation from R2 to R2 such that 

        L(x,y)  =  (x - 2y, y - 2x)

and let 

        S  =  {(2, 3), (1, 2)} 

be a basis for R2.  Find the matrix for L that sends a vector from the S basis to the standard basis.



This involves two parts.  The first is to find the matrix for L from the standard basis to the standard basis.  This matrix is found by finding

        L(1, 0)  =  (1, -2)        and        L(0,1)  =  (-2, 1)

The matrix is


Next we find the matrix from the S basis to the standard basis E.  This matrix is


Now consider the diagram below


The matrix that we want is the composition of these two mappings.  Remembering that composition of functions is written from right to left we get



Let L be the linear transformation from P2 to P2 with such that

        L(a + bt + ct2)  =  (a + c) + (a + 2b)t + (a + b + 3c)t2 

and let

        S  =  {1 - t, 1 - t2, t - t2)         and        T  =  {2 + t + t2, 1 + t, 1 + t + t2}

Find the matrix of L with respect to the bases S and T.  



We first find the matrix for L from the standard basis to the standard basis.  We have

        L(1,0,0)  =  L(1 + 0t + 0t2)  =  1 + t + t2 =  (1,1,1)

        L(0,1,0)  =  L(0 + t + 0t2)  =  2t + t2  =  (0,2,1)

        L(0,0,1)  =  L(0 + 0t + t2)  =  1 + 3t2  =  (1,0,3)

Hence the matrix for L with the standard bases is 


Next we find the transition matrices


Now we consider the diagram below


Since matrices are functions, we compose the functions by multiplying the matrices from right to left.  We get



Let L be the linear transformation from M2x2 to M2x2 and let 




Find the matrix for L from S to S.



First we find the matrix for L in the standard basis.  We have


so that


Next we have


We use the diagram


and our matrix is 



The last example showed us that the matrix for L was of the form 


This was the definition of a matrix that is similar to A.  If A is an n x n matrix and L is the linear transformation

        L(v)  =  Av 

and if the eigenvectors {v1, ... ,vn}are linearly independent then they form a basis for Rn.  With

        S  =  {v1, ... ,vn}

then we have seen that if P is the matrix whose ith column is vi, then 

        D  =  P-1AP

is a diagonal matrix.  But this P is the transition matrix from the standard basis to the basis S.  We have proven the following theorem.



Let L be the linear transformation 

        L(v)  =  Av

then A is diagonalizable with n linearly independent eigenvectors S  =  {v1, ... ,vn} if and only if the matrix of L with respect to S is diagonal.

Orthogonal Matrices

We finish this discussion with a little geometry.  

A linear transformation L called an isometry if for any u and v in V,

        L(u) . L(v)  =  u . v

Notice that isometries preserve angles.  


L is an isometry if and only if the matrix of L with respect to the natural basis is orthogonal.



We use the fact that for any vectors x and y and matrix A,

        (Ax) . y  =  x . (ATy)

If L is an isometry, then 

        u . v  =  L(u) . L(v)  =  Au . Av  =  u . (ATAv)

for all u and v.  But then 

        v  =  ATAv 

so that 

        ATA  =  I

that is, A is orthogonal

Conversely, if A is orthogonal, then

        L(u) . L(v)  =  Au . Av  =  u . (ATAv)  =  u . v 

so that L is an isometry.

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