Simplifying Fractions


  1. Writing a Number as a Product of Primes

    We call a whole number greater than one prime if it cannot be divided evenly except by itself and one.  For example the number 7 is prime but the number 6 is not, because

            6  =  2 x 3

    A number that is not prime is called compositeThe first primes are 

    These are all prime

    One of the most common uses of primes is to write a number as a product of primes.


    Write the number 140 as a product of prime numbers.


    We write

            140  =  10 x 14  =  (2 x 5) x (2 x 7)  =  2 x 2 x 5 x 7

    We can also use a factor tree to write a number as a product of primes


    Write the number 882 as a product of primes using a factor tree.


    So that 

       196  =  2 x 2 x 7 x 7


    Write each number as a product of prime numbers

    1. 48

      Hold mouse over the yellow rectangle for the solution  2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3

    2. 882

      Hold mouse over the yellow rectangle for the solution  2 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 7

    Remark:  As we have seen from the following examples the task of writing a number as a product of primes is always possible.  In fact, the result will always be the same.  This remark is so important that it is called 

    The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

    Every composite number can be written in exactly one way as a product of prime numbers


  1. Reducing Fractions

    Consider a pizza that has been cut into four slices such that two of the slices are left. There is more than one way of writing this as a fraction. One way is 

    since that are two slices left out of four total.  The other way is to notice that exactly one-half of the pizza is left.  So we write


    Notice that we can write the numerator and denominator of the first fraction as 

            2            2 x 1
            4            2 x 2

                  2         1
          =           x                                       
                  2         2

          =    1 x               
    Any number divided by itself is 1.                       


    We define a common factor of two number to be a number that is a divisor of both.  As was shown in the example, we can always divide out a common factor.





    We see that
    6 is a common factor of 18 and 24, so

               18            6 x 3            3
                       =                   =                
               24            6 x 4            4


    Simplify the following

    1.            14
      Hold mouse over the yellow rectangle for the solution  2/5

    2.             24
      Hold mouse over the yellow rectangle for the solution  8/11

    If we do not immediately see the common factor, we can factor the numerator and the denominator into their prime factorizations and then cancel all common factors





    We write 

            126  =  2 x 63  =  2 x 3 x 21  =  2 x 3 x 3 x 7


            350  =  10 x 35  =  2 x 5 x 5 x 7

    so that 

               126             2 x 3 x 3 x 7
         2 x 5 x 5 x 7

                   3 x 3              9
             =                =                
                   5 x 5             25


    1.             90
      Hold mouse over the yellow rectangle for the solution  6/11
    2.             225
      Hold mouse over the yellow rectangle for the solution  25/49

  2. Testing for Equality

    How can we tell if two fractions are equal?  One way is to simplify and see if they simplify to the same fraction.  An easier way is to take the
    cross products and test for equality.


    24    ?    8
           27          9

    We check 

            24 x 9  =  27 x 8

    Since these are both equal to 216.  We can conclude that the two fractions are equal.


    Show that the following two fractions are not equal

           3             6
           4             7


    We have 

            3 x 7  =  21     and     6 x 4  =  24


            21 24

    We can conclude that the two fractions are not equal


    Determine which pairs of fraction are equal 

    1.         3     ?     5
             11          14
      Hold mouse over the yellow rectangle for the solution  Not equal, 42 is not 55

    2.        16    ?    18
             40          45
      Hold mouse over the yellow rectangle for the solution  Equal,  720  =  720

  3. Applications


    Gasoline costs 144 cents per gallon at the pump.  54 cents of this goes to taxes.  What fractional part of the cost goes to taxes?


    We write 

            54             9 x 6                  2 x 3 x 3 x 3
                    =                     =                                     
           144         12 x 12            2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 

                 3                 3         
           2 x 2 x 2            8        

    We can conclude that 3/8 of the total cost goes to taxes.


    You have found that at your restaurant out of the 96 patrons, 8 complained that food took too long to come.  What fractional part of the patrons made this complaint?

    Hold mouse over the yellow rectangle for the solution  1/12 of the patrons complained.


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